Death After Dusk (2024)

Death After Dusk (2024)

I could easily list all of the issues that I have with co-writer/director Chandler Belli’s Death After Dusk, but then again I had said that I would refrain from using the word ‘issues’ when it comes to films, save perhaps when speaking about the likes of Cameron and Nolan.

With that said, I can’t get over how surprised I was when I realized that Death After Dusk is the epitome of what a low-budget indie flick is and then accompanied by a ‘Terry Sanders’ like touchless element, it is sure to have a teen that is just ushering into the domain of micro-budget cinema shocked. Now, if the only film viewing you have done is multi-plexes and upscale theaters then I am sorry to say, you won’t enjoy Death After Dusk.

However, it may not be.

There is something about Death After Dusk that might definitely capture your attention. There is only one word closer to “quotient” than “Death After Dusk,” and that is “After.” Still, there is a film, Dusk that has been filmed and edited for the sake of some film love. Dusk is one of the worst movies ever since deep down, it is loaded with high expectations. It is sad to see what artificial add-ons can do to the filmmaking process. I’ve seen better films made with less. I’ve seen far worse films made for a lot more.

Death After Dusk is a cross between a mystery and horror but with a touch of Western.

Even though the premise and the plot of the movie require a significant amount of polish the film Death After Dusk has some quality that made me look beyond its numerous flaws. The movie is set against the backdrop of Civil War America and is the quintessential tale of a village with sociopolitical issues.

This movie features the Buck Creek Killer, who emerges to threaten the innocent residents of Buck Creek in 1899. The brave sheriff alongside bounty hunters steps in to put an end to the situation which controlled the villagers into panic not knowing who would be the next victim. The bounty over the thief is $25000, a buckle Creek killer.

Oh Come on, Stop It.

This is harsh, but to put everything aside, Death After Dusk is not a frightening movie at all but more of a ‘historical’ drama, another form of a genre. If the people in charge of its aim slightly made it more martial, then maybe they would’ve kept you feeling uncomfortable for the entirety of the movie. It is quite interesting to say the form of ‘adjectives’ expressed ‘love’ by the people behind the film and their approach towards this artistic piece of work is quite novel.

Although there are significant stylistic differences between the two works, I would say that Death After Dusk is similar to The Town That Dreaded Sundown in that it shares elements such as dull color schemes and raw crimes that are both entertaining.

For the most part, this film revolves around the unlikely romance between Skinny (Balli) and Short (Addison Chapman). Butch and Sundance-light, are a cute slightly rebellious pair that are fun to watch. I think I was most touched by Kelly Kidd Mad Dog, who I remember from the last film and who gives an extremely good performance, and as a result inevitably grabs attention to himself. Joseph Baire is as funny as Thomas, who played Mrs. Mad Dog, and spectacular Lyndsay Thomas, Blink Alana Philips is doing good. It’s also hard to single out particular performances in a fairly ensemble film, as it generally comes out, and here, on the contrary, with the many limitations that Balli had, this one is just excellent.

A case in point is the work of Keith Kinsey, who manages to achieve with next to nothing a great deal of new ideas shot through the lenses.

On a $10,000 budget, some degree of historical accuracy has to be sacrificed which, however, is justified handsomely by costume design by Beyza Nur Apaydin and an unconventional soundtrack by Balli Music. Yet, Yeni Kursk is well made perhaps even ambitious considering the budget.

U47700 – Undulating cushion cover kindly sponsored by Death After Dusk. This will do.

Movie! I will try to reach the ceiling! This well-earned ambition is just pushing the 2 and a half hours mark which is a long movie. But it is definitely quite ambitious considering the effort it took to film, so it still fits the bill. No, it’s not, Perfect filmmaking? You can say no to that too.

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