The film “Prom Dates” showcases the life of teenage best friends, who are delinquents. The film displays a rough rating of R but manages to warm the heart with its portrayal of pre-prom chaos. In terms of style, “Superbad” popularized a certain way of filming during the late 2000s, but there is the greatest chance that it was “book smart” that pushed the boundaries. The movie was directed by D.J. Mausner alongside Kim O. Nguyen, both have made their names previously in the TV comedy space. As a result, it utilizes a single camera approach which generally has comical qualities, but the angle is something unique. What we usually see in pilots, is E-rated formats that constantly evolve around a plot but do not find enough audience to continue. Although the show would have been canceled, the production costs would have exceeded the expected revenue, it managed to appeal with a range roughly in two seasons. The movie has managed to impress in a number of ways and the actors were certainly talented.
Antonia Gentry and Julia Lester, two young girls, were sat underneath a table at a prom event they weren’t invited to, at the age of thirteen they made the most ludicrous promise of not even selling lemonade. Hannah was confident that she would always have the perfect date to Prom and Jess was sure that would grow to become pillars of their high school.
Here comes the final day of senior year, prom night. I can barely remember it like five years have passed. Jess can not let go of the idea of grabbing the crown. To do that she has planned to bring along a rich yet rather shallow boy Luca, however, things don’t go so smoothly for her. It was prom night and she caught him cheating on Jessie. (Addendum: After the other secret hookup left in fury over a steamy song Siri was playing sex playlist.)
The boy on the other hand, has no one to accompany him to the prom and it is here that Jess approaches Greg, a friend of her boy, in the middle of an assembly and loudly asks him, “Would you marry me?” In spite of being rude, Jess agrees to marry Greg with the hope he would leave her alone for good but that isn’t the case, claustrophobic, Greg does not give up saying no for an answer, the guy bugs her the most by trying to get her attention, which is why she didn’t say a word to jess or anyone because she was really a closeted lesbian.
Most of the movies center on a college party where there is a lot of alcohol and drugs with a promise of sex which does not actually happen. The entire plot is an intricate series of sequences that loop back to one another causing any viewer to unfortunately swear at the ending. It would be fair to say that no one would dispute Lady and her desire culminate at some point. All that is actually required is a dash of ‘wow’ which is truly well deserved at the very last of the dilemma.
Most of the scenes in Prom Dates remind me more of post-millennial formula television like scripted comedies in which the scenes with the avatar players change from maybe a creation of mella bursts of bodily excretions in this case vomit and blood, aka body fluids scenes, to different shapes of ordinary people becoming conversationalists to avatar players, but later they have a group of eccentrics comprising of a serial killer wannabe and a woman who’s so loaded that she keeps addressing herself by some Russian vodka’s name.
More than half the dialogue sounds like it’s straight off a Hollywood sitcom juxtaposed with a shrill and formulaic speech that is delivered using mocking ‘tweet-like’ statements. By this showcase, Prom Dates is far from exceptional as these blunders are regrettable by all standards in the industry and multi-facetal.
The story is well-constructed and, thus, you feel as if the authors have spared no effort to make their point and that many of their jokes are quite clever, particularly in the context of the internet, along with a plethora of outstanding quotes from Hannah’s character, edgy and arrogant, yet, all of this makes you wish you could write a movie like that one.
“Every single time she says ‘Your taste in music only consists of female singers which sounds like a sad ghost anyway so no one can fault you,’ she’s poking fun at me a little,” she tells her adoring brother Jacob (JT Neal). Over the dining table once while requesting all the lesbians and wannabe lesbians she had, to accompany her for the prom date, one responds with a text, “Ohhhh! I’m not a lesbian though. I’m only a softball fan who loves lesbians,” to which Heather retorts, “What garbage! She has 42 home runs this year!”
The actors themselves are quite engaging even when the movie does everything to try and fit them into the gym-bod-teen flick roles. Not one, but plenty of young actors are given the liberty to be themselves whilst being required to perform lots of characterization scene work which is also interesting. Gentry and Lester have such great chemistry within the context of the characters of the film (mostly when they are in romantic comedies) that I would not mind soft romantic comedies with them as main stars more as well.
Ridwan has that Nicolas Cage kinda effect and takes things up a notch. He portrays Greg as an eccentric stud, who’s nothing but a defenseless child but possesses sudden charm that draws comparisons. In the later scenes where Hannah is having a talk with Greg, the portrayal couldn’t be any more raw than how it was there.
I would love to come back to this film after a decade and take a good look at how the actors introduced in this film transformed themselves into success stories.
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