The film “Kill Craft” is a complex analogy that aims to spread the word of the grey morality of human nature which of course does not adhere to the terminator type of programming where a person is unconditionally good or evil, the film postulates that a person can have multiple traits and attributes. The plot echoes depicting a young woman named Marina who switches into the role of her no longer alive father who was an overly engrossed contract killer who detached himself from emotions, reptilian and devoid of any sense of ethics or morals. Marina was forced to adopt the masculine attributes of her father’s profession, which included unsupportive female role models and a ruthless and over-protective paternal figure. She was brainwashed by the sole remaining image of her father, a person devoid of empathy who due to rage put Marina through a process of grand psychological makeover.
Marina’s existential crisis stems from accepting the persistent loss of significance of her paternal figure. Struggles during their teenage years are real and foremost must include and incorporate the abandonment and affection to the father that leads to reworking the relationship with the paternal figure, eliminating, and removing incapacity to love which is what Marina had to go through over and over again only to end up more and more absorbed. She portrays panic such that only the transfer of features to gender and masculinity can provide a reconstruction of a sense of identity to Marina while aiding in restoring her survival instincts.
Marina honoring schizophrenia in other words struggles with self-identity, although aids her in undergoing a metamorphosis that one would not usually imagine, as she evolves into a successful and self-sufficient woman leading a promising life in the more liberalized world. However, this meant adopting the overwhelming drive of violence and forced submission that little Marina and her father embodied while still holding onto the feminine side, for which in reciprocation the world acted more constantly toward her.
Who was responsible for the murder of Thomas?
It is Mr. Freeman who we first see in this movie, a rich, overbearing individual with a bad character. Freeman employs a man, called Mr. Poe, to get him a list of people he would like to have killed. Mr Poe is also a violent person of some repute, though it appears that Mr. Poe is despised by people. Some people care about him, but he pushes them away due to his chronic self-hatred. Probably this is why he also encourages self-hatred. Still, Mr Poe works out a list for Thomas, a hairy killer, of people he dislikes and wishes to be dead. Looking from the side of Thomas and his family, he seems to be a typical man. He has a couple of Marina, a daughter, and Ruth, a wife. Others may consider him inclined toward mediocrity but his dubious conduct especially makes Marina and her best friend, Freya, think he is a spy. Rita is a woman who has been consistently hostile towards Thomas, who is also her daughter but is a mystery to her. Connolly’s family is not easy to understand; her husband seems to be antisocial having a neutral attitude, yet being kind to Ruth.
Where does the malice originate? It’s because Ruth became a handicapped person due to Snyder’s actions.
The enmity for Thomas first broke into an assassination attempt on them in their home when Thomas and Ruth were a newly married couple. The assailant did not only attempt firing Ruth at her spine shattering her and leaving her crippled for life, but fled after the act. Thomas knew the risks associated with the job, what appalled him was the lack of safeguards. For him, the goal remained how his higher-up’s vision for success would materialize more than protecting Ruth. Joining the role, became apparent to Thomas that every minute spent in that job put both Ruth and his family in extreme danger. That wasn’t even remotely a ‘normal’ position for him. His method of placement was peculiar as well. The people he was meant to kill, along with their respective addresses, had their details concealed within a glass bottle buried in the sand on the beach. Marina and Freya both understood the sequence of when and how he was capable of doing that the very day Thomas set out to bury a brush. Everything had fallen into place.
It is very surprising that, even after knowing who her father actually was, Marina remained silent as she was living in a house where her father’s identity was hidden. However, there was this one time when he went out to take care of one of the foes of Mr Freeman. Thomas, on the other hand, was unfortunately caught and the bodyguards took care of him, turning him into a mincemeat.
He was utterly weak due to significant blood loss, so he tried and failed to break the hold. He managed to make it to the forest, which was adjacent to their house but couldn’t go back home. As always, marinas mother began to panic as Thomas didn’t arrived on time. The following day, Marina came to the forest for a casual stroll where she came across her father’s rotting body. Understandably so, she was devastated and Freya helped her to bury her father’s body.
What led Marina into such a predicament?
It was quite obvious that Marina was flabbergasted at being put into such a predicament. After all, she was just a schoolgirl who was used to being invisible and going about her business without making trouble for anyone, her best friend Freya happened to be the bad one but even she never thought being a hit woman was easy. It would boil down to be immensely difficult for Marina, but she had no option. The family’s breadwinner is her father, her mother is disabled and couldn’t work and she is too young to start working. This in effect meant that there was work to be done for the presence of a father in the picture and it had to be done without a fuss. To both her father and mother, she was an obedient child. As much as she did not want to imagine the pain that her mother would have gone through had she been told about her father’s death, she had to bear the pain and tell her mother later. Marina took on all chores, paid the bills for utilities food, and all, and told her mother that father did all of this before he went away and left them all
It was Thomas who had made Marina practice with guns so she would be able to defend herself, and consequently, when the time came, Marina was too skilled with a gun. She started off her rampage by methodically killing one target at a time. Now, here’s the reality she was more than just a little cross with Mr. Freeman for causing her father’s demise, she was infuriated. Her anger was directed at Mr. Poe as well because he was responsible for sending her father on such a dangerous mission. Because she was nothing more than a nice little girl, no one suspected her of coming there with the intention of killing making her the perfect assassin for the job. However, soon after the incident, a rumor circulated that Mr. Poe had hired Marina to do some of his shady deals in Secretive Affairs, and did not care about what others said. Freeman, free from rage, had a son exactly the same age as Marina. Being part of organized crime, Mr. Freeman would not place young lives at risk.
Thus he sent Mr. Poe to assassinate me or kill him if he did not stop me. Nevertheless, Mr. Poe was unhappy with the terms so he walked back and said that he was going to intimidate Marina.
He sought shelter in the upcoming target to ascertain who that “precious little girl” was. No sooner did he see Marina than he attempted to murder her. After all, she managed to run away and he followed her home with the intention of killing her. Fortunately for her, Ruth was there. To protect her daughter and do what any mother would do, she shot Mr. Poe in the back, killing him outright.
This shows that Ruth knew that Thomas was dead; however, the wife of a hitman is not delicate, she has seen it all and she is also ready for the worst situations to come. She finds it funny that Marina was able to hold herself in so well without her all this while, for what took place, she never thought would take place. But what awaits them? I think now Mother and daughter will become a Lady gang and whosoever faces them will be defeated. This would be exciting to narrate, would it not?
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