The movie ‘Cult Killer’ makes it quite clear that the narrative is going to show the torture undertaken by pedophiles and gang rapists and will center around abused women getting them revenge. Referring to the abuse as torture and getting revenge on the gang rapers can be something very sensitive for a number of people, some may not want to even watch the film for being too graphic. However, what is even more alarming is the fact that Jon Keeyes is the director, considering his biography where he claims that making a good film is not much in his tuning, it is crystal clear that there would be no chance in hell for him to make a film as dark as the one he states. He has also directed several more films which have been released but, imagine a film being made and rather than going for the screening, it was just narrated over a Wikipedia page, which also featured only a single paragraph about the said film. It is evident that cult killers do not feature sophistication. And considering the current context of the world, why would they?
Each film does have its positives and its negatives. It is the constant need to be about sexual abuse that seems to ruin Cult Killer the most, in my opinion. There is a lot to be said about the fact that there is a lot that mechanically can be said about this movie. The filming is done in a style that, while muted and wintry, is never too dismal. The story moves very quickly, especially after you get through the first Roughly half an hour or so, and even considering there is a single series of flashbacks that seem pointless to the storyline but were there to enable Antonio Banderas to have more screen time there is one. But, come on, Banderas is a good casting choice for a cheap film so it is reasonable. Every actor in this film has decent acting skills, but the two main villains of the film, Olwen Fouéré who plays Dottie Evans, and Nick Dunning who plays City Dunning her husband are the great performers.
Dunning is exceedingly sadistic and out of control, and manages to be a source of entertainment to some extent, but Fouere, who excels as an actress, is little more than a frosty and scary spoilt maternal figure who feels absolutely no shame for being at the head of the sex trafficking business.
Other than correcting the below passage for misconceptions, ensure to fix minor grammar errors. “It is a rare feat to be a near sober, sexually molested woman who watched her life-long mentor and benefactor get killed”, over here, she in fact is ridiculing the women seeking glory on the bed. Over here she is in fact speaking about deep emotional connection, love, and sex. Let’s just say, not everyone pays for deep emotional connections, love, and sex. Rather, some prefer rather mundane things like respect, honor, or peace. After reading the whole passage, I can state with utter conviction that this person deeply cares about the balance of society and the mental well-being of women.
Cassie Holt, portrayed by Alice Eve, who critics rushed to praise in advance, gives a less consistent performance in this loop. Instead, it is a rare feat to be a nearly sober, sexually molested woman who observed her lifelong mentor and benefactor get killed. She performs better than most actors in expressing complex emotional states and synchronizing beats, but since when did cantankerously talking to the audience during such emotional highs become the norm. Or responding to lines like “pretty please, with sugar on fucking top” any differently than rehearsed cringing. One can overlook some of the director’s style, such as the Quarles animation as executor which sounds like somebody calling in from the late 90s. One can’t be too coy. as she dramatically over-destroys her target by implanting her hacking footage into an obnoxious song with terrible lyrics.
If there’s one such film out there, it’s this one, and this pushes the directorial vision to the forefront, intra-university diversity and competition seamlessly integrate into the work without conspicuous display, that’s the biggest surprise, the smallest detail ties everything together. If there’s one such students out there, it’s other graduates of such films, which in a nutshell do help in revealing real life students and that abuse does not stem from this dumpster they draw inspiration from. The practical reality of such students becomes absolutely absurd.
On the contrary, Cult Killer is an engrossing, thoughtless, and gruesome action flick, but it takes a few steps back when it comes to the barbaric portrayal of the grabbing, the confinement in dark, sexually charged slums or secluded areas for days on end. It doesn’t aid the nature of the movie – nastily so, right? Let’s face it, this is a movie that, in some respects, is having an identity crisis. Anyhow, on a side story, it is mainly centered and was shot in the Republic of Ireland, however the fact that there is a clear multi-racial cast, it does not sound particularly Irish. He might get the lead role as an Irish actor, but it looks like he gets an hour of billable time still somewhere between the 6th and 7th-order characters. They would just think it was Cult Killer still considering the location of the film, America or England, has no bearing since GARDAI emblems would not be found on any of the cultist wears.
For lovers of violent revenge stories who are quite alright with all of the horrible stuff that was mentioned above, Cult Killer might not be a bad idea. It is able to kill some time. But why would anyone even think of suggesting this film to other people? It is, quite literally, beyond comprehension to see people like go out of their way to suggest to other people including the actually funny and talented suffices. It helps, surely, but there isn’t much else apart from that. It’s shoddily done in each aspect, across every aspect, and it has no hope of sticking around for long. This is a movie that has no production value, low production quality, and is very middle of the road in terms of its ambition and quite frankly is not a movie that should be remembered at all.
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