Kip Anderson and Kameron Waters make a very compelling argument in Seaspiracy, Cowspiracy, and What the Health and now they’re putting their talents on display for Christspiracy which is once again set to stir up controversy. As always, Anderson does not shy away from sharing his views which in this case, makes the task easier to watch. Exploring the sociology of religion and how religion has evolved along with animals, the film seeks to show us a depressing truth about the control that is exerted over modern day society. However, such deep and compelling topics are unlikely to be understandable for a person whose mind has endured decades of propaganda highly sophisticated in its specifics. This is why, in general, like Anderson and Waters, I felt irritated by Anderson and Waters’ work just as much as their arguments and what they actually meant fascinated me. If over 2000 years of conspiracy can be such an effortless topic to cover, then it is entirely reasonable to assume that political and ethical motivation will allow for even greater topics to come forth. Unless of course, there isn’t a fear regarding being charged with blasphemy.
I see myself as a vegetarian and a Christian by faith, but I have not been able to understand how the two can coexist and even more the concept of one affecting the other. There is never assuming turning into a vegan is part of being a Christian, neither is treating Christians in that scope of them. However, the portrayal of the phases of their cut-up growth, and its past, was so overwhelming, that it left one speechless. With some of the context available, it isn’t surprising why such an idea has not yet been previously examined. Additionally, it does raise some doubts about the reason so many things have been covered up. In many instances, it is always about power and money.
The profundity of the possibilities and potential that come with the film medium fascinates me the most about the entire movie. There is a project that we had worked on earlier and in that project, there was a screening where Kier Anderson had been asked a question on faith and ethics by Kameron Waters, which unfortunately he didn’t have any answer for. It was at that moment that their association started. It was because of this one instance that this film was created which rolls back to their resolve towards the purpose and the willingness to film whatever they have and share it with other countries. So while films are educational or are just fun to watch, there is even more to them. They give us a taste of how it would be to interact with ideas, objects, and people which would otherwise not be possible in the actual world. I do not have much to say about how the second to last part gets resolved, but as far as I was concerned the main theme of this movie if I may say was the concept of greed and the religious zeal and perspective abuse around the animal kingdom. In this documentary, I believe different characters are introduced, or more like experts like professors, doctors, and other religious figures but unfortunately are unable to answer this central question: “Could there be an ethical way to offer an animal to someone else?”
But then again I couldn’t get past the later parts of the movie because of the disturbing images displayed along with the raw involuntary ignorance of the people featured in this film.
The animals made Anderson cover his hands while appearing on screen which had made him sick. Moved by every single aspect of the movie, The Abolitionists, Anderson and his fellow filmmakers are willing to risk their reputation just to sensitize people to the causes the focus solely serves. The Awakened are resolved that no effort shall be spared to inform Anderson about the larger picture of the movie and bring him up to speed for the ones that inevitably won’t be disclosed to the viewers. The film and its causation are proud to not have any qualms about the truth taking the audience by force and Anderson sets the tone with his quote, “This movie is going to shake you to the core”.
Christspiracy will hit the cinemas in the UK on the 20th of March and it plans to donate a generous 50% of its net proceeds towards humane societies.
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