Checkpoint Zoo (2024)

Checkpoint Zoo (2024)

Animals and kids are the most innocent beings in this world and let us imagine them being killed or hurt in any way. This raises the stakes even higher and adds to the drama of the story as a whole, This has not been the case where arguments about movies are concerned as people A do tend to complain that the death of an animal for example a dog or a cat enables a greater emotional pull than a movie which has been disturbed by countless gory human deaths for example. Just Google it. There is even a page on the that touches upon this subject.

In a documentary, There is often a certain element of fear owing to the fact that the events that unfold are real. That is exactly what this is film about the Invasion of Russia on Ukraine at the start of 2020, Checkpoint Zoo by Joshua Zeman The Loneliest Whale The Search for 52 is about. More specifically, the film portrays the brave efforts of numerous volunteers to save the animals trapped in Kharkiv’s Feldman Ecopark, who were trying their best to do so. The park is located somewhere in the middle of the Kharkiv region and the Russian army.

It definitely is a courageous story while being tragic, and this movie does evoke very strong emotions.

The tale is also inspirational in a way. There exists a ray of hope that in spite of the history and the viciousness of mankind, there are a few kind-hearted people. To even consider the notion that these uncomplicated and brutish people would do everything to protect such vicious creatures from getting harmed is truly astounding.

But not in the case of the current Russian leadership led by the repugnant Vladimir Putin who, it’s rather amusing, enjoys being called so by the so-called ‘West’, the foes of his country. For instance, taking any rationality to the highest degree, he goes on to attack a sovereign state (yes, even do try not to complain “Ukraine is not a state”) that shares borders with him and then decides to call his men terrorists which by the way have to do with animal’s attack as well.

According to Zeman, the Ecopark was created by the businessman Oleksandr Feldman for people and children, in particular, to be able to touch animals. It is something like an educational center and a petting zoo. By no means am I a fan of these kinds of buildings (the animals never look content in these places), but for where we are as a civilization they can sometimes be the best marines we have for the cause of the preservation of the species. But, that is not to say that the management of the zoo makes it a rule to expect that these animals end up getting slaughtered in the wildlife park. That, it seems, would have been the fate of most if not all of the creatures of Ecopark, but for the intervention from some of the residents of Kharkiv.

The team (I hope we can still call it that as it’s very numerous) goes into the trenches together with volunteers, beginning with the weaker creatures and saving the big cats for the end (with wolves right before them). In addition to the highly explosive pastime of crawling about bombs, another question still persists. After the altercation against the threats, what is to be done with the animals? Where do we relocate them? Will they be accepted in the other zoos? A certain temporary solution comes about when Feldman tells his new arrivals (without large feline species that would kill them all) that they are free to enter his house, tennis courts, and other parts of his property. That man also does not seem to have any qualms in liquidating what businesses he has in order to rescue the creatures. After all, he brought these animals to Ukraine, which means that he‘s responsible.

There are some tragic losses experienced in the movie, including the lion that takes a man and pulls him into its cage or others who are hit by missiles. But does it stop the evacuation? Not at all. There is even a very sad scene where the parents of the child who has been killed come up to a Russian soldier who is held captive and he starts crying. It is heartbreaking to witness war. There is zero sympathy towards the leaders who have caused for them in the first place.

Wondering how a person can create a captivating and entertaining story regardless of the medium used to present it? Now there are moments when this usually gets a little hard to stomach simply because it is an easy out for so many filmmakers, Lethal Weapon being one of them. Nowadays, trauma engendered on screen is meant to engage an audience, however, the procedure in question is simpler, more reconsidered, and logical than that, unfortunately, every film these days uses such methods. If anything, this is a question more of editing than anything but perhaps Zeman should not be reprimanded too harshly for the flip-side of an urge to exit wanting to include as many of the unappealing bits as possible. Still, the situation herself is strong enough for him not to have to do that. What the Kharkiv remarkable people do to all this is not just Worthy of strong film-based tribute only but a roar of approval that should reverberate across the entire world.

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