A lady decides to go back to her chosen family after years. However, what she needs to do in order to prove her loyalty to her family is to participate in what can only be called Life and Death games.
The audience is clearly not looking for an art movie, the audience is looking for a B Movie, and funny enough that makes the movie more beautiful. Any woman who is a fan of erotic cinema would tell you that B-movies vary from feeling great to complete trash, however, most erotic movies are not up to their taste and the same holds Vice versa. However, this isn’t a Vice versa, this is an amazing B-Movie and in no way compares to the drab erotic VHS thrillers of the 1990s. All in all, this tape fits a particular genre, and cringe as it may sound, I know horror when I see one, and needless to say, the base of the horror genre is strong Take a look in a mirror, and you immediately say Oooh, horror! Just three licks in, and you have that fresh taste in your mouth that lingers so sweetly. The main elements of horror cinema are its core. It’s frantic alienation that provides a compelling appeal to the viewer. Which air am I exhaling? It does go beyond pinning someone down and spanking them, even though yes, you are going to get that as well. It is what is it a melange, a Cross between 50 shades of grey and 3 on a meat hook, it comes fast and fiery, just as those drug cocktails look like in the movie.
The enema that was administered to me in these scenes was almost enough to make me shed a few tears, so if you happen to be one of those who love a good teary scene, then ensure that you have a wad of handkerchiefs by your side.
Sex and nudity are tastefully incorporated into the film. It is a tasteful work of art that avoided sexual depiction in certain places even though they may have been appropriate. While some might consider the chance to see doll like bottomed maids doing housework in fishnet stockings a missed opportunity, in this case, it pays off handsomely. Part of the film in which sexual content is used helps to develop the emotional appeal of this part of the storyline. This technique also helps to establish the authenticity of the setting within the universe of the film which allows for interesting character development. There are some very fine actresses, and I must say that there are very many well casted ones in the film, ‘We Are Wolves’. We’ve reached the time when all girls should be gratulate for this shocking torture film and we should be more grateful to mallery.
The best one woman show by far in this collection belongs to Winters as she outruns all her competitors in her performances. She is more appealing to the stage as a performer rather than an actress which to be utterly, is what a cult zillionaire is expected to do. If most actors are akin to flutists who perform somewhat noisily, Winters lets out something like a tortured guitar with fuzz and lots of effects that’s to say, annoying. Just picture her doing this in a retro Warhol or Waters flick. In all the pictures, Kravchenko looks quite battleful, rather very familiar and I have no option but to praise her skills. While she is otherwise contracted into films only after serving, I thought I had been seeing her throughout. Not instead of portraying singer Selena as the sort of post where everyone has chains attached all over their bodies she permits you with glimpses albeit small of Nelly’s feelings behind the fences. We Are Wolves is a splendid post-exploitation who wears leather with spikes and walks towards the dark side with wires coming out into your lap.
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