Wallbanger (2024)

Wallbanger (2024)

Romantic comedies have stepped in huge numbers in recent times, to the point where viewers may get lost in choice. There are certain trends and a formula that seems to be followed in the production of these movies. But even so, every once in a while, such movies pop up that are worth reminiscing about, I Did Like Passionflix’s New Release Wallbanger for Say. In my view, such movies are unique.

Caroline’s world turns upside down after she gets the best possible job as an interior designer. However, her joy is short-lived because she gets different due to her neighbor, Simon ‘The Wall Banger’, who disturbs her every night. Wallbanger is directed by Tosca Musk and based on the book by Alice Clayton. To say the least, Wallbanger is the extreme opposite of what Caroline’s life is devoid of. All such emotions find the best interpreter in Simon. What she lacks in her placid life he sparkles in.

Because of Caroline’s constant complaints about Simon, lips have even gone to the extent of calling banging, wall bangers, which is quite absurd.

She does not appear to be in a relationship and goes out of her way to stalk Simon’s everyday activities. All she views is the back of his head as he walks away from, what she calls, his harem. She is somewhat annoyed over the fact that he vented over interrupting her self resting. So, out of anger and frustration, after she has disregarded love herself, she finds herself banging at Simons’s door and forcefully shouting at him. It is from this instance that she will be tagged as Pink Nightie Girl, which I am sure is Simon’s most adored.

Jillian episodes had rented out Caroline’s present room only to later introduce her to a party thrown by her boss during which she first met Caroline and Simon, a night that had a lot of craziness in store. But, the meaning stirred into a fight and, just as suddenly, turned into an unexpected kiss. There, is where Noviane and Simon reach a temporary no fighting pact.

In every tale of Enemies turned Lovers there is a Will they or a Won’t they, angle, and Caroline and Simon’s story fortunately does not stay behind. While spending time, they both come to find out that, their disparity is not as large as they thought, well Caroline learns that the hard way. The impression she had of Simon was not according to his reality. A reality forged by Caroline’s understanding, which stemmed from the history revolving around the bed he once shared with other women. That was one of my favorite aspects of the story as well, and if I am not mistaken, I have read numerous stories containing it. Simon did have a few women with whom he had intimate encounters, but that was more to try and bond with them on other levels. He did not over-exhibit those relationships. Instead, he treated those women with respect and if Caroline made disparaging remarks about them for their impropriety, he would come to their defense.

What I liked about Wallbanger was Caroline and Simon did not rush into a romantic relationship. There was some tension created some time before that moment. It was nice to watch them swing to each other because Berglund and Serafini have a lovely chemistry. Serafini did a fantastic job as Simon and Berglund is a very strong woman who is quite easy to look at as well. They both managed to play that sweet embarrassment and childish fighting quite well.

After Simon, and Caroline’s relationship grew, she accompanied her as he traveled to Spain for his son’s photographic assignment. There they grew closer and ended up having sex. Unfortunately, this especially got to Caroline, is not the situation she expected.

For Caroline, touching her pleasure spots is useless because of a ruptured experience with a random man since she was confident. Caroline does not love the idea of disrespecting her husband, and for the sake of this, she thinks that her sex life will eventually improve, and hopes so. Barbara’s book was again, packed with interesting quirks. I was introduced to how the authors conceive female bodies at such a moment, For niece Caroline’s big O, I thought Simon was going to be the one but I was wrong. Whenever I think of a woman feeling something she normally has felt and enjoying something she seems to experience some form of a blockage, I never understood why there was not a hunk who hurries to do something about this blockage. Apart from that, I also liked that between Caroline and Simon, there was a real discussion about it and that Simon was able to consider Caroline’s well-being without selfishness.

Wallbanger is sweet and the movie has an entertaining plot with quite a few interesting twists and turns. The movie seems to offer a little of everything including some impersonator matchmaking for Caroline by Simon’s friends including Sophia (Abbey May), Mimi (Cathy Ang), Neil (Cedrick Cooper), and Ryan (Colin Ford). A little roughhousing might be in store thanks to Caroline’s pet cat, Clive. Then there is an abundance of sumptuous pastries, which quite frankly sets my taste buds to dancing. There’s even something made playful tacked on there and that’s all I’ll say. You will have to watch the movie to know what exactly I am talking about. To wrap everything up, I must say that Wallbanger, without a doubt, has delivered. Add this to the list of movies that are sure to end up on every Rom-Com lover’s watch list.

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