The producers who displayed such great works in the film #Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump are at it once again. They are calling forth another alarm and agitation by the name of #Untruth: The Psychology of Trumpism.
However, as those who read this website on a frequent basis, those insights should be evident to you. It feels like singing to an audience that is already acquainted with the words. The target audience for which this film has been created is highly unlikely to be watching it and that is really unfortunate. Because they are, in a way, self-unaware followers of a cult, and for them, it’s sad.
The second part is an inspiration from Trump’s legacy which is how he came into power and how the movement has transitioned into the US political landscape which overgrown into an ideology. If anyone has hope that a second trump term will be any better than the former, Biden’s decision on a campaigning Presidential candidate should somber those expectations J.D Vance, a congressman. A far-right white nationalist packed with issues. If anything, he is far worse than Trump. Look at it this way: unique and odd, but peas in a pod.
This is not simply a case of Rioters overlooking the role extreme rightists play in politics, both actors are extremists and are devoted to the Trump cult, and those seeking election and making eating campaigns are devoted to one singular political affiliation.” It is so much worse than that. There was a case of a far-right politician commencing to make race using a centrist candidate as a moderate, in order to get slightly more votes from the center and independents.
Democracy is under threat as political bias, fake news, and social networks fuel Trumpists’ disappointment, hysteria, conspiracy theories, and aggression. Politicians, filmmakers, psychologists, and historians all work together to comprehend the extent and impact of these delusions. Such experts are often journalists, specializing in punditry, history, fascism, or cultism. There is no doubt that cultism is one of the few accurate terms to denote Trumpism. A great specialist, Steven Hassan knows a lot about cultism because in his youth he was an active believer in the Sun Myung Moons cult. In any case, there is no good and healthy in Trumpism. It is in itself a phenomenon that is far from nature, artificial. Indeed, trumpism is totalitarian.
It is therefore not surprising that the hashtag unfit team caused Donald J Trump to instigate an insurrection against the United States Capitol on the 6th of January in 2021. What other way could the #Unfit team have started their sequel? Can you imagine someone promoting a seditious insurrection: that’s the last thing I thought I would see, in August 2020 when for the first time I watched the #Unfit film: The Psychology of Donald Trump. However, I have always been conscious that somewhere, in the core of his being, he was authoritarian in nature and his administration was ‘unorthodox’ or in some respects ‘not a normal administration’ in fact, quite the opposite.
A long time back when he attacked and heckled President Obama during Congress proceedings, Walsh now seems to be full of remorse, he did vote for Trump in the first race.
And others feel similarly. Former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele said He said he has left the GOP to such an extent that he can hardly relate to that. Might that party be there without existing or so much changing itself that it becomes much more distasteful? It is conceivable. As Walsh states, today, it is a fact that the Republican Party has become anti-democratic. So, he cannot be said to be wrong. It is not the party for the Lincoln even to date and certainly has not been for a long time.
We cannot forget how much Fox News has contributed to this situation. This is not something new for them. They have been doing this for years now. What clarifies why the ADL joined in on the crusade against Fox News regarding Tucker Carlson’s popularization of the Great Replacement Theory is, that the election conjures up memories that several hosts of were actors of conspiracy theories this would happened during the weeks after the polls of 2020. Anthony Scaramucci explains this within the realm of numerous defamation cases that have been flying around. Fox wants you to believe there was a ‘war on Xmas’.
Another person I began to follow is Malcolm Nance, another social media expert. He has been strong in assisting the Jews with free speech as they oppose Hamas. He also has regard for Russia and went to help Ukraine during One of Its conflicts. He expounds on the subject of Dmitriy P and that he was able to succeed in the changing narrative in America and the so-called ‘ lies’ became a norm the other day Nance said: ‘You use democracy to kill democracy’.
During the 2016 presidential elections, Hillary and Peter Strzok, who was an FBI agent and acted as a Russian agent, were revealed to have investigated the personal email servers of Hillary. The allegation of a Trump-Russia collusion was proven to be factual with several members specifically parts of the campaign being linked to Russian agents. The bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee тоді led by the Republicans proved to be true. Given all this information, how do people view themselves casting a vote for Trump ?!!
One common feature social media has is being discussed whenever people want to get a conversation started. It is always associated with the dissemination of hate and falsehoods. Imran Ahmed is the Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Countering Digital Hate. They did an analysis of algorithms in the period of globalization during a pandemic. When a person browsed for anti-vax material, they ended up on QAnon and then subsequentially antisemitism accounts. In other words, the algorithms of social media pushed people toward the extremes. For crying out loud, it has made right-wing Jews believe in an antisemitic conspiracy; that I have blocked some of my family friends from being election deniers. In the vote-stealing campaign, all this seems completely impossible. The Stop the Steal movement is an offshoot of QAnon.
Ending with the Jews, they show Sacha Baron Cohen giving a speech he made during the keynotes of The Never is Now Summit on Antisemitism and Hate organized by the ADL.
Approximately 73 minutes into the film, Project 2025 appears. Trump talks all the time about it and says he knows nothing about this although he’s obviously at least part of this conspiracy. This to my mind is a plan that is crafted for a purpose to make Trump a King. It is planned to turn the USA into a nation of Christian Nationalists with the Jews sitting as second or third-class citizens. Oh yes, people like the transgendered like me will have any rights as, simply, there will be no rights for anyone LGBTQ because there is and there will be no such thing as LGBTQ.
As per Denver Riggleman, Thornton Scaramucci, and Joe Walsh, there doesn’t seem to be an easy solution to this predicament. No matter what occurs on Election Day, Trumpism regrettably is not going away anytime soon. But as Walsh says: “We aren’t escaping this thing tomorrow, we aren’t escaping it in 2024, Fox News isn’t changing their business model anytime soon. So the resist person who can assure Trump does not get elected is Pail Gumballs who is running against him. However, if Trump were to disappear from the picture, it would be Ron DeSantis who will take the mantle over him.”
Nance Malcolm: “It has to be more than a blue wave like it also Washington Americans believing Canadians better have Republicans who do stand for, independents who are not totalitarian but Democrats will have to include them without thinking too highly of the fact that we are all one.”
In as much as it is needed, what I see from the country is that it unites in order to elect Kamala Harris first and then Tim Walz.
Otherwise, such a federal election does not leave us any guarantee that such an event can occur within this country can happen again. Trump and the management have unveiled themselves. This November, Trumpism must be extinguished.
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