The Intruder (2024)

The Intruder
The Intruder

Even though I was convinced that the movie had no wit or originality, it was still very ridiculous in the way that it showcased the different kinds of home invasion thrillers, but even then I found The Intruder to be bad in a good way so to speak. It’s the kind of movie that one would appreciate, perfect to simply relax and watch without any critical thought.

Scott and Annie are a couple who moved from San Francisco to Napa Valley, and she is portrayed by Meghan Good, while he is portrayed by Michael Ealy. They buy Charlie Peck’s house and from the starting scene where they move to California, he plays the role of the owner, Dennis Quaid. Certain conditions were made by Charlie that he plans on going to Florida and would let them make the necessary alterations, however, when he does go to Florida, he begins to stalk Scott instead. Scott finds those alterations to be offensive even though Annie to not, and not out of necessity, soon after, Charlie becomes sick and borderline obsessed which exposes these two to the dark side of him.

The Intruder, amazing how easy it is to lose track of how it was all supposed to have been in the first place, is an interesting movie about a slightly deranged head case cracker who arrives in what happens to be his own house but not for a second is he ever bored of any other house. To watch the utterly ridiculous heads get despondent amuses simply as it is free from life-giving. Why not step aside and take a little look at the whole ‘drama’ and try to insert a little bit of humor into it and see how different the approach would be, especially if the entire family was meant to be the objective of it, which should lower the burden between all those colonies. Quite a number of times I felt that in whatever the game was that they were playing they needed to be much more synchronized than they had been.

Logan and Ealy hardly offer enticing characters, while somehow managing to make their roles seriously irritating and stupid, and end up disappointing us even more. The two have done okay given the limited scope of their characters. Scott’s portrayal of the character has no substance or depth and Scott’s presence only seems to be there in order to make everyone else feel content with the idea that Charlie is insane. This actually fits much better with the context, especially since Annie is portrayed as the most foolish character ever to walk in a movie.

But honestly, there is a point where a character crosses you and it’s never pretty, I suppose it’s not altogether surprising, my entire theater audience was extremely loud enough such that it was audible over the ignore-the-audience facepalm itself. For example, Scott tells Annie to hear herself that there’s nothing that bad in Charlie, but then again, you can’t take such a position when for the rest of the film the characters spend half the time trying to be normal while the other half doing comically bizarre stuff.

The Intruder is definitely a reputational film but Quaid steals the show with his performance. He delivers such a masterclass performance that it is safe to assume that he would be a great contender for the role of Joker. With how he performed his speech delivery, I can concur that he enjoyed himself in the movie alongside the rest of the cast. As a viewer, you would expect there to be quite the amount of suspense associated with whether or not Scott is correct in his assumptions about the character of Charlie, but throughout the film, I realized how little it mattered. We all know that Charlie is not the same as the rest of the good people. Everyone in the film portrays him as a psychopath, claiming he must have been through something horrible. But imagine if James Bond were portrayed in a more psychological way, and contained some other negative features; it is true that there isn’t much more to mastermind other than a psycho. I commend how smart Charlie was, as this was exactly what the audience desired. The deviation in Charlie’s character was a good addition to him and it matched his portrayal in the movie, specifically the performance.

There is great enjoyment to be found even though there’s a lot against The Intruder Dennis Quaid is impressive as usual and Annie totally made me chuckle with her silliness. It’s good to see him having a few conversations and even creating some tension, despite the fact they all appear to be staged. It is unfortunate that Scott and Annie have a ‘bitter past’ that is never expanded upon or used in any way but the absence of such context sometimes gives me unintentional humor that I enjoy anyway.

Does The Intruder take dozens of stereotyped horror movies and improve on them at all? No, and yes, in reverse. Would it be an understatement to say that I will constantly regret what the film might’ve been had there been more effort? Yes, a lot, it does. So, does it offer a fantastic cinema and show of Quaid that is hard to ignore, yes colossal yes? Treat The Intruder as a fantastic worst film that is very hard to veto.

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