I have a lot of appreciation for Hope Studios for sending me a product sample regarding this particular review. All views expressed are my own.
My dear readers, today I am going to say something very different and rejoice as I was one of the lucky few to have seen the now famous film The Hopeful. Set in New England in the 19th century, this film captures the narrative of a people who were hanged awaiting the promise or hope which it is claimed will be brought by Christ upon his second coming to earth.
William Miller was a mess of a preacher who was capable of bringing about hope and insight, however, his prophecies served to spread deception and betrayal in equal measure. Miller contributed to the civil disturbance right around the 1800s, during and after the American Civil War. He struggled to find a purpose for himself, and all of this would only come to an end once the US was able to reach the culmination of the civil war. The new beginning that Miller preached was with a significant amount of disappointment for the bystanders and a new religion was conceptualized out of the disappointment which resulted in the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
My Reflections: As a Christian who puts all of her trust in the hope that Jesus will come back, I found The Hopeful to be both inspiring and hard to watch. The movie makes an effort to revive the urgency and the excitement of the 1844 movement only to point out to us that no matter the time and place, loyal followers of Jesus have wanted the same thing the second coming of Christ.
But this story brings the characters to life. In this context, for example, William Miller as a simple farmer who rather reluctantly embraced the role of an ordinary preacher of a congregation is put through a dizzying series of circumstances, when it comes to putting into action what one believes. Accompanying him is Ellen Harmon who rather emotionally portrays the importance of the divine message, and the visions that were given. Such characters and all those like James White bear witness to the cloud of faith and the struggle amid the struggle.
The most in-depth story, at least for me, is the story in the film: the 1812 Wars puts into context how even from devastation, through ambiguity, optimism and unity can emerge. Another commendable aspect could be their regard for the truth and fidelity to God, although I’m not a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Why You Should See It: The Hopeful can be summarized as an encouragement towards self-analysis, even more so enjoining one that it should not be easy awaiting Jesus. There is always a chance of growth or metamorphosis, of an individual or society which is captured quite beautifully in this film. The movie would be suitable for families who cherish the artistic value of a movie in addition to those who are Christian since this movie brings generosity and knowledge about hope, God, and community.
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