The Fall (2024)

The Fall (2024)

As the end of the year began to approach, I thought it would be impossible for me to watch such a sleeper-personally, it seems rather unfortunate to admit that I had the chance to watch this film on the big screen months ago but passed up on it. On My List of Filmography from the year 2008, ‘Fall’ comes at number three with ‘Be Kind Rewind’ and ‘Let the Right One In’ by Michel Gondry and Tomas Alfredson coming first and second respectively. Now, That was a twist.

Just like many adolescent films I absolutely adored and ended up completely changing my stance a decade later, this particular film ‘The Fall’ Got better with every iteration.

Allow me to reminisce my childhood when I used to be in College and Had watched Gilliam’s Adventures of Baron Munchausen around 1989. What was the status quo? All I remember is that the movie was way ahead of its time, which is the case with a lot of movies. This specific film unfortunately was not very popular, and the general audience was oblivious to it.

Gilliam’s masterpiece seems to be on par with Tarsem’s film at least If you consider Tarsem’s work stunning in light of this context, it would certainly make sense if you think of him by the spectrum of his extravagant endeavors following the more popular yet controversially received ‘The Cell’ (2000) In any case, Tarsem will still be portrayed.

In Mubi, the challenging-to-find streaming service, Mubi, seems to be out of service for a wide range of characters The Fall is It might only take place in theaters late in September, so get your trailers and tickets ready.

Los Angeles, 1915. In this sequence, the viewer observes an event that appears to happen during an injury of a stunt performer and is being drawn towards a plane wreck, set in slow motion (black and white film). They witness a stunt gone wrong and stunt pilot Rick (Lee Pace), who is in desperate need of medical assistance, sustains an injury. Rick lies sick on multiple deathbeds with regret and wrestles with the mystery of a beloved movie actress who adores everyone else.

As Roy recuperates, he bonds with a five-year-old actress named Alexandria, with whom Catinca Untaru has only acted once. To begin, Roy sets out to annoy her, yet, later on, he becomes interested in her finding him, as Roy wants her to attend his symposium on how he painted his life with such outstanding events he assures her that everything will be monumental and does not let her down.

In the disarray of Roy´s universe, the antagonists are wonderfully brought to life and serve us the wonders of a cinema experience, a sort of a David Lean epic. Roy also indulges in further -moves on with Alexander the Great and detail-drenched surrealisation of Roy as a dystopian rogue in search of and fighting with the villain Odious.

Roy’s stories provide vigorous emotions to young Alex and facilitate a connection of love and compassion between them, and Roy’s “normal” and “fictional” both are tucked in the faint trust to “go on.”

They all occupy different versions of one character as Baron and once again, Roy dies and his pals take measures to construct him anew as in the case of ‘The Adventures of Baron Munchausen’ or ‘The Wizard of Oz (1939), or other films. The name is rather straightforward, which is why this relates to the movie that depicts Roy as he struggles with the endeavor necessary when he loses the strength to stand after suffering an inevitable defeat.

How do you look at a picture that doesn’t make sense and give words to its motion? Do you recall childhood bedtime stories in which illustrations were the highlight of the books? Each frame in this is exactly like this.

His cinematography was alongside Colin on Watkinson’s camera work on ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ which was popular on Hulu and included memorable still frames. If the image of Alexander the Great sitting in the middle of the wasteland does not excite you, wait for the next one where an elephant swims in clear blue water.

We can also highlight one other detail in the movie that would fit snugly in the category of “stony-faced priest” a close-up shot that transitions to further wide-angle views of the barren landscape. This is exactly the jaw-dropping animation of stop motion. This type of animation was used to illustrate vivid particles and emotions captured by the child during the medical scene which otherwise would not be possible for the creators to enact in real life.

There is an element that evokes the making of a film and its edits, specifically in its projection light for instance in the movie the image of an upside-down silhouette of a horse projected onto a wall. The light creates movement that captures and intrigues the audience.

The Fall is beautifully put forth as a motion picture during the period when films were nicknamed Moving Pictures. Which in a way describes how a soul is transferred emotion from one to the other. The legendary Roy being a cinema stuntman also puts him into great wonder.

As much as it was ‘offered’ by Spike Jonze and David Fincher, the film had nothing else in terms of star power, and thus, Tarsem depends quite a lot on his two leads to sell the film, a tall order for relatively inexperienced actors back then (Pace did not appear in ‘Pushing Daisies’ at this point) however, ‘my performers have great potential, as it turned out’.

It is quite amusing how there is a stark contrast in the aspect characterization of Roy’s sister and amateur actress Untaru who plays Alexandria, who has significant screen time and adds an abundant of adorably amusing quirks and also details to the character, and Roy, who has a minimal character depiction in the film’s narrative. Roy and Alexandria’s bond is touching, and it’s easy to believe that they’re siblings in real life as they capture the spirit of their characters perfectly.

On one occasion, Roy muses to Alexandria “Are you trying to save my soul?”, sounding like he is flirting again, however, not entirely without being genuine.

The comic relief in The Fall above and beyond its ludicrousness that is offered serves as quite the assistance to the film, this applies to when Alexandria comments over the brother’s narration as well (the humor in between is offbeat while the setting is surreal and the story trying to be told is morose).

I would like to mention though that Tarsem did say something interesting about the big stories that involve an intellectual battle. As a doctor was presenting Roy with information regarding one of the patients, he said “One bite but never a room full of snakes.” This tale too is probably one of the many tales that are told in this hospital.

I remember vividly asking, after the first meeting with the film, why there were not many films in this vein, this came after I had watched the movie and the movie happened to end. I mean with doling out the energy and love that Tarsem pours into every shot, one can either appreciate the story and the characters with the spell bounding visuals or covertly stay in vengeance at the stupidity and ridiculousness of it which had raged few of the reviewers about this film. So the choice is yours.

I must say, I indelibly admire the exaggerated love letter made by Tarsem to the art of narration, with that being said, I can vouch that it gets better with each viewing as well.

This movie had Tarsem Singh at its head and the budget was 30 million dollars due to the fact that both the fans and the film ‘The Fall’ directed by Tarsem Singh had set expectations high, considering it took an odd number of four years to air all over the globe. In reality, though, it looks like the final product that took more than four times that amount to produce stood at close to $120 million.

Later on, as Tarsem went on to produce visually splendid movies like Immortals in 2011, Mirror, Mirror in 2012, and Self/Less in 2015, these were somewhat drawbacks in his career. Deeply personal pieces filled with that kind of guts would Tarsem be able to come up with another one or not is a question to ponder about.

Or maybe ‘The Fall’ is the type of movie that Tarsem directed for fun and Roy wrote for Alexandria, and as such it would be incredibly hard to recreate.

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