Shelby Oaks (2024)

Shelby Oaks (2024)

Like all Stuckmann’s films, Shelby Oaks film has some positives and some negatives as well. Crowdfund is an impractical process that results in more money being spent on getting viewers than on screens – it fits in either modality of the first or this may be the first example of this ill-fated trend. A horrible film that incorporates an all too strange and familiar movie filled with plenty of switching every few minutes alongside a multitude of genres.

Then it shifted focus onto me when I had hoped it wouldn’t have. The documentary chronicled the efforts of a few ‘paranormal’ podcasters who went off-grid, only to never return. Camille Sullivan who plays Mia is depicted in the documentary in which she was interviewed, which was directed by the Brennans. Speaking of them, Miss Mia Brennen is the younger sibling of Riley Brennen who, along with three other girls gets lost in Shelby Oaks ghost town every 12 years. In the meantime, Riley was an ordinary girl living in a dystopian mash-up of the Blair Witch cutscenes, stories of sleepwalking, and the peculiar tendency for a picture of a man looking through windows to haunt her dreams. That’s the core of the narrative. The only shortcoming is that this is the 40th movie involving podcasters alongside Fortean events.

Since the movie takes place in a distant future where odd foot soldiers try to wipe out humanity, the change in filming style appears to be purely cosmetic. This is quite remarkable, but only for a split second when the viewers are fooled into thinking that the producers had done something miraculous to blend the picture when the action taking place in the center scenes was part of a larger picture. Amongst the many war zones portrayed, (which are quite rare) the story is still the main emphasis where it is suspended from being changed. Finishing up some miscellaneous eye drama several strands of mystery are sought for which will transport the character to at least two great places: a deserted theme park and a haunted prison which hold the secrets of the mystery and the mystery of the disappearance.

Then we have Mia whose Medieval fantasy in which she has a completely imaginary sibling moves her so much that her husband the Brendan Sexton the III gets exhausted by all the there being no children which has them both run off to random places for no good reason. He goes all on his lonesome to the most ludicrous places, for the most ludicrous reasons, all off the characters of old horror movies, who would have thought?

That is a cliche of sorts and judging by the rest of the film, it is in line with the direction taken. Since many years have passed, many Romero-type movies cannot only be remembered but another one is bound to appear soon. Still, the film Shelby Oaks does contain its ‘not another one’ moments, but in terms of the results from the effort, there are enough of them: insolent woman, Sullivan, overpowers the movie, and Durn, in a less overt way, manages to ramp the pain of being beaten and bloodied, and most strikingly, Robin Bartlett’s vicious woman in one of her shoes seems to resemble the only woman left in the ghost town, and this fusion emerges as the scariest aspect of the film as the character only develops at the very end.

Instantly, it is not unusual to get irritated with a given moment and question that since the mother is said to be working on yet another piece, why would she name her child like this, ‘Hmm what a typical name’.

Still, I think it won me over without too much trouble because it is even more fascinating than Eurotrip. Eurotrip is just an ouch in terms of its use of satire in motion pictures. It’s fun too, even though the editing renders it utterly idiotic. Shelby Oaks appropriates several tired and painful scripts and proceeds to knock around the plot without completely dismissing the insult that is just about guaranteed to raise some eyebrows. The singular self-obsession that dollops out abuse almost lifts JD Vance’s perspectives of women but retains the sense of value in them. Regardless of the shadowy elements, disorientingly shattered glasses, an empty amusement park, and a broken prison cell these effective twist images and shocking stuff are able to shower goosebumps over people effortlessly.

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