Model House (2024)

Model House (2024)

Suburban phobia approach in a movie invites us into aliens’ homes in an American cows educational video on YouTube, but even then it would be a weird movie for horror fans. Model House sets up a perfect situation for a horror movie five swimsuit models, a couple of guards in a house, and it’s a complete makeover weekend. All of that revolves around the theme of social media. The goal is again to garner a wider audience on the platforms. They make use of several technological factors to drive their agenda. One can obviously tell these are tips from YouTube marketing days, whereby viewers would be critiqued to engage and like several random videos. Zoom calls that were too much to bear and ad blocking made it easy to just look away. Model House attempts to Slasher films still retain a certain appeal primarily the shallow comments over superficial issues.

Model House is a terrorizing home invasion film that follows the story of 2 intruders who take 5 girls hostage for a ransom. Rather than robbing the house, the intruders force the girls to post donation links on their social media pages. They plan to make 1 million dollars and, as expected, the fans of the girls come running to support them. But as events take turns for the worse, the girls soon realize their lives are at stake and decide to fight back.

While the concept of the movie sounds thrilling, sadly, that’s not how it is executed. To be brutally honest, the movie has a run time of 85 minutes but it still manages to drag on every single horror movie cliche and there is very little character development. The movie offers a new spin on certain elements but the tension that was built up over time does not resonate with the viewer. In short, the dialogue, much like the movie itself, is dull and clumsy which worsens the overall feeling of the movie.

On some occasions, the business contenders are rather steep, but the theatrics appear to be staged. The characters in the film are generic and are not minute girls to a high degree. It appears that the shooting sceneries are sandwiched between the best and the most irritating moments from the slasher film genre. There is sure to be a disappointment for viewers who are hoping for an intelligent social interaction or even a few unexpected turns in the plot. Model House is better still viewed as a long version of a music video, which is a good genre to venture into, however, the incoherence in the plot makes the final product quite rough on the edges.

It is more of a careful planning mechanical assembly than an epic with blood and guts as the champions. It does not hold the attention of its primary audience for the most part and it fails at one very important aspect that such kinds of films are known for. There is no hunt in the conventional sense, but more psychological psychological terror nears rabid slaughter and pandemonium does the trick. The movie is able to push the envelope as far as story arcs go, but it keeps the lead actors within the confines of mundane roles.

From a positive point of view, fans of the genre will be pleased to view Scout Taylor-Compton, who is actually one of the stars of the film. She has a very different type in this one, the role of one of the intruders. She is not one of the psychopaths whom these kinds of movies always have as perps but there is still a sense of menace that she feels. Since for the most part, her face is covered with a mask this probably enhances her ability. Though her diminutive size and the mask does have its drawbacks, she is quite unsettling in the part. For this group of fans, she brings a slightly nervous touch to the level of details that they will enjoy.

The truth in this case is that Taylor-Compton is the best part of this movie. Unusual for this type of movie, actors like Chris Zylka, who may remember from The Amazing Spider-Man, are extended to display being among the first fools in the movie, another unfocused hodgepodge of sorts but unlike Taylor-Compton is the second person there. Just like with Taylor-Compton, she is much less about the plot or any of the monkey models than the other intruders and their lives in the movie.

Modern horror movies have been up there according to me. Model House, on the other hand, is simply a place where a horror film is supposed to be set. Don’t get me wrong, the kills were quite nice, as were some of the villains’ performances, however, the sense one gets is one filled with cliches different than being original.

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