Let’s be honest, recommendations from friends and family do not help much. In this day and age, people have access to an expansive number of communication channels and it is therefore quite possible to differentiate between a manufactured promotion of a product or service and what the real consumers offer. It’s no longer necessary to rely on the stepping stones of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, wherein the masses are made customarily aware of something, and then passive interest is developed in order for it to begin trending. In most cases, people are so good at forming their own constructs of reality that what they help and advertise is the opposite of what reality really is.
I am a skeptic at heart, so I would have found it impossible to view the ‘Milk & Serial’ mark as something worthwhile. Am I wrong to deem this aspect deleterious too? What is the second portentous dream? The movie which ran for 62 minutes was available on YouTube for free. Let’s face it, no one is expecting to be disappointed with a movie whose cost is set to zero. Should I assume it begs the question? Cooper Tomlinson and Curry Barker were the stars of the movie; however, I have never heard of the latter two social media influencers. I grew up in the 90s and I find it quite unusual the members of that generation are unfamiliar with social media influencers but due to endless bad slasher flicks starring ‘internet personalities,’ I have come to learn that wannabe celebrities and their devoted emoji-sending followers who love everything they do are like Hollywood A-Listers. Let me remind you of something: which of the three? Allegedly, ‘Milk&Serial’ was filmed for the price of three L. Otherwise, it is equivalent to around eight hundred dollars.
It baffles me why any indie movie director would boast of their small budget so much. The figure did raise certain eyebrows though. But for whatever reason it doesn’t need any upgrades. If a budget of fifty thousand was devoted for every minute of captured film, it is hard for me to imagine why ‘Milk & Serial’ is composed in a ‘found footage’ mode where there are no bursts of action and everything is set around close quarters with friends.
If we’re being honest there weren’t any promo videos for Milk and Serial so such a movie could’ve been good but when combined with other malicious information, the vast number of positive reviews for the project, and the headline at the Variety it sounded, it has to be good. I don’t recall the perfectly clear text which was lengthened and repeated so perfectly many times, but forty times and more, “Milk & Serial” is a good text so I went to see the movie.
No, I’m far too pragmatic for such melodrama to go, “I don’t think so, it s better than anything bigger studios can put together” or, “certainly the best B-movie of the year and the best ”found footage” of all time!” So I will stay rooted to the earth and will rather be paying to put together a cappella of the movie named “Milk & Serial”. I happen to be one of those people who enjoy watching horror files made in one’s backyard and yes, I cannot count how many off tv screen documentaries I have seen, ‘Milk & Serial’ is mind-blowing no doubts about that because both formats are not after all, the odds are always against the two formats.
In the beginning, the frame was a first-person view and it worked quite well. The second, the performance was realistic. Third, the scope of fiction that the narrative possesses is such that the entire movie I think is sobering and shocking can be classified as pleasant to view no matter the material used.
In summary, this premise does not add anything new to the story, which is a welcome development since approaching it any more closely would potentially reveal some important details about the plot. The premise begins with Milk and Seven, who consider themselves to be best friends and share a room, running a YouTube channel that specializes in pranking as a genre. To celebrate Milk’s birthday, they contact their other friends and an arms dealer they met in the parking lot only for one person to betray the other as the joke where Milk was hosting a birthday party and fired a gun at one of his friends. The joke is more or less whether it is in bad taste or in good taste but in a real sense this is just the beginning. It is always fun and games, but rather unsettling things begin to happen, For the sake of this analogy Let’s say Mill was told the truth by them, which raises more than one question among them, or something even more menacing.
From the start, it seems that Milk (Curry Barker) and Seven (Cooper Tomlinson) are good people. Although, let’s not kid ourselves, Milk is the exception. Can one like him, and have survived for long in the tale? Probably not. Still, it is really nice to witness the amiable duo when initially you brace yourself for obnoxious thugs from the wannabe internet scene with their obnoxious antics with popularity chasing. To me, they look like two kind-hearted American men whom I would gladly support without wincing in disgust as I watched them on screen.
In addition, Barker and Tomlinson can really act as well, just like the whole support staff, both in this movie and when, Campbell, Mackie, Cross, & Smith; During several scenes that call for them to emote convincingly, One would be very unfair with the statement “acting is not needed to many good quality movies since there are so many where even better actors are avoided like plague in creaky indie horror movies done by relatives and friends”. There are husband and wife American actors, Sean Anna and William Barrett. In the ‘real’ role of a wife in this particular film, Anna and Barrett filmed Milk & Serial. ” Considering that, even in a rough cut of the film made a few years ago, that is exactly what they exhibited while correlating the genre of the video and its budget.
It’s frightening how quickly things can spiral out of control in this industry just for a chance at obtaining some likes and subscribers, “Milk & Serial” is besan arguably a postmodern commentary of sorts too. Maybe it’s for this reason that “Milk & Cereal” was such a hit back in 2024. Who knows in a years time, or even ten years, some random soul might scroll through the movie and ask why it got so much hype, since it pertains to such a specific period of creation. But that is in the future and will do him no good to his film, but that’s just another crowning achievement for writer and director Curry Barker who is gifted at catching and then using for his film’s purposes of the times in which he lives.
In case you were wondering, revolving around a one-of-a-kind idea out of ego is what I am compelled to do whenever there is an indie horror film that incorporates Amityville in its title alongside camping horror, hence it’s nice to see Barker put in the effort. As it turns out, they do not try to come up with something brand new and instead simply make adjustments that allow the concept to flow smoothly. While it could be swapped out with the phrase ‘flash in the pan’, Barker and Tomlinson have outstanding potential that indicates they are merely beginning in the genre.
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