Megalopolis 2024

Megalopolis 2024

The irony is that in Megalopolis the author, Francis Ford Coppola, is also at liberty to define Roman history, US history, Rivalry and Cooperation in Politics, Urbanism, Technology, Love, marriage, etc in the simplest way possible. Megalopolis is what is called a movie directed by otherwise Francois Ford Coppola, who also happens to have been the director of the film. At Alamo Drafthouse Boston and other movie theaters in New England. In Megalopolis, Adam Driver is in the character of Cesar Catilina.

I must say, this is a review that also promises to be incredibly difficult for me because, until this moment, I have not come across, so to speak, worldwide the megapolis film by Francis Ford Coppola.

Turning out to be exemptions, I would be shocked if we discovered that Miller would be able to recreate the magnanimity offered by the two titles of Megalopolis and Dune. The feeling that I share with regard to the Megalopolis is the same that I have always possessed with respect to all the Kubrick films including Barry Lyndon. You see this came about only after Jan Harlan, who happens to be Kubrick’s brother-in-law, took up the role of the single producer of all the films that knitted Kennedy after all were supposed to be knitted dolls, rather than some shoddy reproductions of Barry Lyndon and onwards, films made by Kubrick come across as something different from me, they are not classical accomplishments, they are classical wankery of its creator, or so I believed. Those were the first few rounds of me watching Kubrick’s The Colossus which tries to change cinema from an art form to a craft, my shock and dislocation were simply the movie readjusting after Barry Lyndon to Barries Lyndon. There are some films by Michael Haneke, Caches or The White Ribbon for example, that were able to elicit the same emotions within me too.

Megalopolis is a project of the renowned director Francis Ford Coppola. It brings a lot of discussions on the dynamics of the US and Rome or an American city and its issues or the integration of technology with architecture, love, and family. The film took him about four decades or so to create and he put a whopping $120 million into the project. In effect, I have found this film quite disorganized in my aggregate human perceptive organs in an environment that has not been made clear to me. Even after watching it, I believe I might have a somewhat negative take on it. However, as I stated previously I highly doubted that the theatre would allow one to leave unfulfilled empty. Hence, the 70 millimeters of Bagh Nagari historical gore gave me a feeling that I couldn’t reciprocate to my ancestors and for the first time I got that feeling because when I watched the movie I was on the waiting side for the feeling to kick in and then the splendid visuals of the movie spoke to me giving me fog like excitement but in a good way. 

The term ‘Megalopolis’ is something which I strongly associate with America in Concept. “the Manhattan of the movie is a brutal criticism of America today. One can sense the mood of a defeated Rome sullenly lurking during the final days of the republic. ” Here we have Adam Driver who plays Catilina, a new age fusionist urban architect who also happens to wear the hats of Julius Caesar, Roman ghost Catiline, and Robert Moses right? Along with the protagonist of the biographic film Tucker: The Man and his Dream by Coppland, we throw a pinch of Robert Preston Tucker who is already a superman of an innovator and helps any fan of Ayn Rand who is tossing around in her John Galt Underoos at night while mentally making covers for Fountainhead remembering the universe of Catilina. In my opinion, there is no doubt that he won the Nobel Prize as he is the brainchild behind the construction material, ‘Megalon’ whose biography has a strange connection with the now-dead wife of Catilina. You may ask, the term ‘megalon’ what does it even mean? It is a self-contained city building material with possibilities of expansion as the number of people within it expands as the plot requested it to be, To say the least, it sounds revolutionary. 

Despite Hernandez and the developers devising plans to build the Megalopolis II of the future, Catilina is planning to obliterate vast stretches of economic & multicultural communities using his loudspeaker. On the contrary is Giancarlo Esposito who plays Mayor Cicero, who is not too open to the idea of giving people homes.  

And of course, there is Julia (Nathalie Emmanuel), the beautiful daughter of Cicero, who is stuck between Catilina and her father. So, naturally, her loyalties can’t be undisputed. Cue in soap opera organ, ready go.

Megalopolis is a film that knows what it wants to achieve, rests easy on its interpretation, and delivers. It possesses nuances, contours, and compositions that are on par with even the most elegant of Renaissance arts. The complications arise, especially during the meta-fictional post-modern butterfly segments of the narrative, due to the rather disheartening fact that the artist does not have much confidence in his own artistry to feign to function at this degree of wealth. It has been interspersed with various mid-length montages that have been edited more than the rest of the clips in the film: the mesmerizing, the placid, and the serene the viewers have no chance of participating in any activity of the design or the correction. It is absurd to make all-out attempts to tell the tale and at the same time shout out the exact same information through the voice of the watchers with voiceovers, newscasts, and all other forms of media when the film’s visual appeal is quite restrained. At least one point of chronology remains with respect to the major character: the film’s narrator who in a practical sense simply goes missing for quite an extensive spell of time.

The resolution of Megalopolis bears the verisimilitude of the metropolis of FRITZ LANG. There will always be a social strife of orders, the ones that have and the ones that have not sitting in the nexus of public works and its synergies. In this area, there are also a lot of H.G. WELLES’ THINGS TO COME which reactionary elements do not want to come to terms with. These two science fiction figures however appear rather exhausted and superficial in the light of Megalopolis. There however, the film Megalopolis is concerned, it is more of an anti where the abuse of a number of stories, mise en scene, and the roles are Packaged. He doesn’t walk, he tumbles, call it progress. It is fortunate, as in such other funny instances in cinematography, it is breathtaking to watch. In the case of Apocalypse Now, the bazaar is somewhat similar, it is a movie about a war, and wars are fought by gods, and it is all in the same category he is too busy casting. Exercising control to this extent is a new phenomenon in filmmaking, and most praiseworthy but also he seems to be without control.

No one can miss the megalopolis which is a masterpiece that took Coppola forty years to make, when from the 6th to 12th of January the lens is lit, there are images of celestial bodies exploding in a great cataclysm fused with zero ground metaphors with which, although they are, there is very mysterious and cannot be described but at the same time very evocative, so to speak, very forgettable. The name Postmodern Coliseum speaks for itself and allows for the structural void of film to fit in absent-minded narrative craftsmanship that takes an average of 40 years to create, once again nowhere is near the end of the book here, and everything is perfection in transcendence about the ‘stasis’ Or, in other words, almost, but not quite. Oh yes, but as I said earlier, perhaps it is not a different cinema that has not been realized, what has not been realized is my own understanding of how this show was born, which, it seems to me, in the most categorical way, is one of the greatest attempts in the making or one of the most illustrative synergies of horror and art.

It’s up to the spectators to conjecture how enormous the vision of the director must be, who aims to transform the storyline of locations into city planning and the landscape of the boxes. 

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