To start with the easiest way, Love Me which is sometimes treated as a Sundance original in a humorous manner–is based on the child-father dynamics of a buoy which is a castaway and a satellite in a perpetual revolution around Earth. It’s quite a while in the future, when there are no humans left to walk the face of the earth, and the only surviving objects of nostalgia are the AI machines and with them, doomsday came, there are only thousands of GigaBytes of data left, retrieved from search engines and social networks. It is quite unusual how Sam and Andy Zuchero’s space romance narrative goes off-kilter. Most of them can scream, if they want, for the two gadgets or disappear themselves into this rather bizarre, yet most impressive romance and twist it around AI characters who are played by Kirsten Stewart and Steven Yeun in different styles.
Those two are in fact beautiful and intricate, and one can only wonder about what explosive chemistry they would have if not for the fact that they are just playing tokenized space-age gothic hologram dolls. This construction by the Zucheros is in several of the conbut, on the other hand, is slightly more ambitious, but still shares some of the same ADHD problems which the movie ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ had (They are films designed for multimedia consumers who have been conditioned to these brain behaviors of switching screens every few minutes). Not nearly at the level of sophistication that was seen in ‘Casablanca’ or, for that matter, the dry aesthetic visuals of Spike Jonze with Her.
You know how robots always claim to wish they were human in almost every single sci-fi movie out there? Well, in this case, it seems that the expectation enables the viewers, which in this case are humans, to sit back and feel whatever it is they want to feel about Stewart and Yeun’s characters, considering the 2 machines are Self-Monitoring Analyzing, and Revision Technology aka SMAART, the gen one version of a couple that has been together for close to a billion years who wonder what it means to be one or to be alive or in love. In moments where time collapses itself, the film goes on to show us the what have caused the SB350 Smart Buoy to end up displaced a few miles away from the former Manhattan.
This sci-fi world we see at the end of the film ‘A.I. Artificial Intelligence is the one that the director Steven Spielberg has created, and this is the one which Zucheros in a way has been able to capture much more convincingly through shooting to practically, making us talk about the first device we ‘see,’ the floating device, the other one being helper satellite that was intended to look like a blue long-tail comet rushing into the sky. In close-up it was Laird FX that constructed it to scale (hear hear, considering that half of the mid-section of the film is dominated by visual effects).
While one seems to have a lens, the other seems to have a few panels and therefore neither of them seems to be anthropomorphic for that matter. But Wall-E and Eve can’t be excluded from the fact that they portrayed or wore eyes and hands and had Pixer animators animating their movements in a very anthropocentric way. ‘Love Me’ only bids some type of low conso punches at the 2024 kind of online culture, and so comedy is the emphasis of some however probably not all of the clips. But the Zucheros do not cuteness and allow adult (or at least young adult) imaginations to do the heavy lifting.
The buoy self-styled soe ‘me.life.form’ or short ‘Me’ and the satellite ‘Iam’ begins as empty canvas Ais. The purpose of Me is to find a connection while I am is to look for a connection with any life left on the planetary that was once inhabited by mankind. And they do, but only slightly. Me denies the view of being a living being nonetheless she has to assume the role of a living being just for the connection to be made. It is in the order of events that the deception commences. Me does have a facetious in the dating myths world the other female versions who tend to get lonely display their best side in order to attract or entice other people.
It is normal practice to use certain embellishments to enhance the attractiveness of a person or to portray them as being more appealing than they really are.
After the connection has been established with the Me and Iam link, the cyberspace with the Zucheros serves as the rest of their interaction. A software for hunting blank screens first, then a low-grade VR unit decorated as Deja and Liam’s (the influencer couple that I follow on Instagram who Stewart and Yeun play) apartment. Me, who claims to be Deja, then comes out and tells everyone she is Deja and in this way constructs an advanced version of a ‘rom-com- a plot device that is universally understood, the lie-based trope where one character tells lies while at the back of their brains, they believe the other will leave once the truth is known. Reflection of the feelings I can tell Me has predicted Love as how Deja targets many narratives so she pauses watching prayers in a clip as she devotes a whole day to Shantap, looking for zones where love is mentioned. In the end, one can only be sure about where love begins, any AI that will live after all of us, will surely have a bitter insight into what it is like to watch people go through the struggles in a given relationship.
The Zucheros, on the other hand, go further by interpreting the buoy and satellite as metaphors for the human brain which concerns the ways people see themselves, and how other cultural artifacts serve the organization of: marriage, motherhood, etc.
Jed is particularly taken by a post of Deja in the video ‘Date Night 2.0’ in which she displays videos of the couple preparing quesadillas, kissing, and watching the sitcom “Friends.” Of all the episodes of such sitcoms, and mostly also of the rest of the past century plus most of the Hollywood business’ what can be safely called an extraterrestrial and absurd, ‘LOVE ME’ Iam and Me as others of Deja’s posts for an audience – all make sense and enable one to gather the audience. (Less clear of comprehension is the absurdly long distance they are said to be separated for. Iam is said to run around in his quest to create water and slowly build the virtual flat.)
When the sexual intercourse scene of him and I am eventuated, the duration spent watching it, in this case, has also got to be viewed as the most incredibly great two minutes, in a scenario which appears rather baffling for the Zucheros, 91 minutes in length feature of theirs – ‘Almost all the measures usually employed by editors Joseph Krings and Salman Handy about shots defied the grammar within a film concerned with the theme of love and identity and more so the ideas were basely unorthodox’.
In that particular cut and montage, IMe and I discussed how these once two-dimensional Sims avatars evolved into more three-dimensional versions of Stewart and Yeun with long hair and breasts in Me’s world.
Now, what does she long the most? Are these perceptions natural to the individual or were they cultivated by the milieu? These indeed are interesting questions that focus on the real self in the age of AI – but I would prefer to see them performed by actors in the real world (while the essential all-primitive avatars get insufferably annoying in the film’s too-long middle section). Conceptually and spatially speaking, the Zucheros seem to have taken the tangent route of circling around the sun and crossing back across the same equator to arrive at the same destination a classic story of a boy finding his girl.
It is clear the two robots are stuck in an infinite loop, repetitively saying the words, “Date night 2.0” over and over until they get it right. But this brings up a question, who is in charge of fixing this problem? Also, what is so special about this experience that it becomes the only model of love? And why even do they care all about romance? I mean, for all we know, enclosing two smart devices with intelligent brains and a billion years, one would expect that they would create something better than this. And who knows, they might even end up showing us a few things instead of starting where humans ended before they destroyed themselves.
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