Isleen Pines (2024)

Isleen pines

Found footage films are not something I usually enjoy, however, this film changed my perception completely, a few years later Matthew contacted me for yet another review of a so called film by him, I do remember that work of rather crazy cinema quite vividly. I was very quick with my acceptance, and without completing my sentence, a preview copy of the film was already in my outside mailbox well,” outside mailbox” is an imperfect description, it was a PO box, but you grasp the idea. I was hoping to avoid the situation of being Matthew Isleen Pines Jonah who was all too excited about seeing his new project, Isleen Pines, for the very first time. Matthew Thank you for sending this one to me because…

Spoiler Alert. The gripping narrative follows a young boy that goes through an event that, after a couple of years when he recollects the scenario is thought of as bizarre. While the whole town is celebrating Halloween he is sent a self destructing doll, while he was completely unaware at the time that he was being sent a strange package. What many do not know is after the package with the troublesome doll is delivered there is a rather strange string of events that follow. Spoiler Alert

I was pretty stoked for the release of the film ever since I got to know that the Isleen Pines would be available on Blu ray.

Blue Sky Studio / Hooligan Studios is on the rise in Hollywood producing works like this one that I am in love with.

I hadn’t even heard of the movie, but that artwork gave me a brief experience of what I was walking into. Yes, I did enjoy this film, although maybe everything else is not as spectacular as the sleeve of the blur release But in this one, the acting is really good. In terms of the characters’ depths, there is a good range of these reminiscences, however, most of the if not the whole film is pleasing Blue Sky Studio / Hooligan Studios takes off in Hollywood with works like these which I am in love with. The cast was great regarding how they worked and collaborated hitherto each other in order to engage the scene.

The premise of this is hilarious, especially for those of you who are fans of the 90s B-grade Halloween flicks as well as the 10/31 trilogy. You have a group of young adults in their twenties coming together for a Halloween get together, some cheap beer and tacky costumes, it’s always a classic premise for a Halloween movie, and I for one enjoy it. Imagine tossing in some strange and terrifying creature into the mix and there it is a brilliant horror film wrapped around the most wonderful holiday. I was quite impressed by the fact that the movie incorporated so many characters with layers, but did not in any way mess with the main plot. The pace is fast, the dialogues smart and the best of the credit scenes that I have ever seen.

The body count goes extraordinarily high along with fun effects and blood, yet the effects are pretty bad but interestingly they suit this film. The risk which the movie is trying to take is avoiding practical effects, except for the last few minutes where there are effects. To summarize what I just wrote, Isleen Pines tries to accomplish this not by attempting to make another movie with Halloween type of horror but one that can be watched any other day. So the movie wants me to watch it every year around the same when children go trick or treating. It should be evident by now that I would recommend everyone to watch it.

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