Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 2024

Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 2024

So now that combining genres of any traditional western American movie is no longer pertinent, quite juvenile even, was there any audience who actually anticipated this first part in one of the many series created by Kevin Costner over twenty years ago? Considering the fact that film was shot in an era where a great deal of reasonable promises were made regarding the content and even the film’s storyline, it is quite easy to develop an appreciation about the film. 

To be very clear, westerns that involve the traditional nostalgia used to be rather mainstream in the past but that has seen better days, unfortunately. These days, there appears to be a significant bias in favor of social realism or the drama of craziness, realistic and brutal horror, and art house moronism to grab popcorn every now and again. So, when American cinema comes under fire, such as “Horizon” or this type of American cinema purports to be an American Masterpiece, but turns out to be unwatchable, it’s understandable that not all expectations are met.

Nonetheless, one of the more comedic and outright false attacks against it has been this one. The word “vanity project”, for example, is what some enemies of the film often use. Or the accusation of nepotism that arises out of placing his son in a brief cameo. My suggestion: never mind about all those angles. To a substantial extent, “Horizon: An American Saga” is a labor of love for Mr. Costner so one reason he financed a large part of the movie is for the same reason, considering the scope of the project which is an epic frontier saga, one would be hard pressed not to be entertained as the visuals alone are breathtaking and yes, will definitely engage you. 

In any case, as this first chapter illustrates without an effort, Horizon is no ordinary in-depth film dedicated to stage. And as it was said by Kevin Costner himself it is ‘a story without plot movie what others say yes sometimes it has that but others say yes’.

Other than this fact, he is understood and wisely interpreted in relation to his plans and the range of his audacious polymorphic imagination in the distant future, so “Chapter 1” quite literally breathes life into the title as well as the plot of the first chapter, and it also initiates a superb theatrical call.

To avoid misunderstandings, the storylines of “Chapter 1” are ready with the aim of providing supplementary context for “Chapter 2” which will be officially launched in August of this year in all the theaters throughout the nation. Once again, it is a rather unusual manner of telling the story and, as it turns out, it does quite well due to the focus Costner puts on various key figures and their diverse plots. The actor Costner, who, as expected, should have been the central character of the movie, is only one of the many important characters in this multi-faceted and multi-character movie by the name of Hayes Ellison.

Through the use of American west culture and scenic locations like Kansas, Wyoming, and Montana, Costner unmasks the western arc of the movie. Costner along with Baird tries to merge unfamiliar story arcs together, which are not only suitable but filled with many layers of drama that gives a good insight about the rest of the plot. 

On top of that, while roaming around the old world western territories, considering his work under a category, such as historical, is unfair to his kind of work. People often forget that life on the frontier was not painted in the best shades. War and barbarism replace the ‘Old West’ as the motherland of hope. Even the few factors he does manage to shed light on, such as freedom, morality, justice, sorrow, family, greed, and revenge, are not the most attractive either.

Costner also takes the role of Hayes Ellison, who was one of the bodyguards of Ellis Avery, but now seems to take a much more dramatic, and a different direction, that of a robber. His love interest would probably be a more exciting Dale Dickey who took the role of the head of the derailed Sykes family. Along with a hearty sex worker named Marigold (Abbey Lee), he a rather mixed bag of a character engages the Sykes family in the mountains for some reason. 

On the upper screen tortured scenes of the documentary part of the film were Frances Kittredge (Sienna Miller) and Lizzy (Georgia MacPhail), her daughter, who have fled from their settler’s colony which was razed to the ground by the Apaches. She is now a refugee with the US Calvary and is in love with one of the soldiers Lieutenant Trent Gephardt (Sam Worthington). The portrait of certain members of the wagon train is also shown, their irritable chieftain Matthew Van Weyden (Luke Wilson). We are also introduced to a young boy yearning to avenge the murder of his family. He is inadvertently placed among the callous mercenaries who relish killing native Indians for cash.

Such eyedropping narratives are supported by a talented ensemble, who in turn narrate their own stories through performance, which is warranted given the context. Quite overwhelming. Shall we go deeper still? Probably yes. Most of all, this is the case with the excellent movie performances of the protagonists of the film: Kevin Costner in the leading role and also Michael Rooker, Danny Huston and Will Patton in supporting roles. Furthermore, there is Costner’s optimistic and daring view of the film in that he thinks that the audience is able to see what he is trying to achieve and that they want to take the journey with him. I am very much ready. Anyway “Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1” is in theaters now.

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