Haunted Heart 2024

Haunted Heart 2024

Writer and director Fernando Trueba’s Haunt Heart has romantic and thrilling aspects together which in a sense work in contradiction to each other. While Aidaatch Folch may have attempted to portray her character well, the movie as a whole does not excel in its aesthetics. In summary, the movie lacks efficient romance and thrilling moments, the female characters are relatable but extremely underdeveloped and the drama seems overrated making the overall experience mediocre at best. 

Coming to the plot starts with Alex (Aida Folch), a waitress who goes for a job at Max’s restaurant. However, she arrives late resulting in Max hiring someone else for the position she was supposed to perform. After some talks and arguments, she manages to secure a spot in the restaurant but under the condition that she provides Max with a two weeks notice. Would she be able to balance her job and drama together efficiently or not, remains to be seen.

The initial moments begin with Max being portrayed as an intelligent, modest, humorous, and stable person while Alex is a character whose life is completely out of control. Then, however, the mood completely changes. She manages to find a social space, performs well at work, and becomes quite liberal in her approach to life with her flirtatious attitude to Max, trying to have sexual relations with him. She actively dominates him. He is reserved and timid. Alex’s transformation is difficult to comprehend as the transition is quite intense after her transformation. The hardest thing to come to terms with, perhaps, is the reality that the girl who was so innocent, so attractive and so happy, will never return. 

Matt Dillon is quite flexible in his interpretation of the role of Max. There are moments when for instance, I don’t believe there is any better candidate to play the character of a distressed tense inner man than him. Other moments, however, when he over-dramatizes, I was unable to suppress my laugh. Folch has Alex in one state unattractive first, then attractive, and lastly weak, but one can’t help but feel that all the different aspects of the character are unrelated to each other. 

So in the first hour, we together with the other characters are looking forward to the moment when they get to see Alex and Max together and waiting for their relationship to grow beyond just partners.

So, Alex is on her way to the island and she has plans to seduce her boss I mean bam, she does exactly that, however, the boss does not give in just immediately. 

She lies to him and says that she needs more, and he jests that he is not angry yet but he doesn’t want anything to do with the local naked fisherman. Within the span of more or less half an hour all the trust and calm that was carefully established between the two of them goes up in flames and then John and Mary are out on a murderous rampage. The most annoying part is that most of the time it does not get revealed why everything happens the way it does.

Previously, a partner had cheated on Alex and this performance states that Alex will not permit such an event to occur again And she does. And once more, Alex’s partner is a complete train wreck but still, she continues to return. However, as usual, this is something we do not understand. We do not even see her bargaining over the selection. These are all missed opportunities to develop more of Alex’s character.

We learn snippets about Max through Max, but they are not useful in any way. He used to be a musician. He was once married and had a son. Malibu Canyon has some unspecified relevance. We’ll guess because, at this point, we don’t even know what that is. We can assume and even envisage but we will not be able to answer the question why or what It’s a collection of story fragments, entirely. There is almost no backstory that will aid the audience in understanding Alex or Max’s personalities as there are no backstories offered for either.

Even in the closing stages, we have no idea what it is about this volatile character. Everything they had been building up over steps the aid to the last scene where everything comes off as chaotic and unstructured. Max giving two weeks’ notice makes for an interesting point in inquiry. It only heightened tensions since it felt better left unsaid so as not to raise anticipation for something disgraceful. It’s a cheap metaphor but I would say Bait and switch is a somewhat positive outcome. 

The worst sin I have found in this picture is that it fails fully in character of a romance There are no superlative levels of excitement, and there isn’t a good thriller.

There’s chase. There’s a plot twist. There’s even a murder. In all these scenarios, I never felt fear.

I mean, the film was a bit strange when there were only two people on the island, and well, they had to hunt one another… That’s eerie haunting! But that was not the depiction of the film to me at least. 

If you are looking for a sheltered & protected film, it will be worthwhile for you to look for too, but I’m afraid it will just be a waste of time. I do believe that Haunted Heart has some blind spots. It is great to look at, and it is possible to puzzle over the details of the characters’ childhoods and their history. But all the above does not work out in this particular case it does not manage to be vague where it is necessary and does not skimp on the stories about love or the tension it seeks to achieve.

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