Government Gangsters (2024)

Government Gangsters

Kasha Patel strongly believes that career bureaucrats that have infiltrated almost every department in US Government are what we call “Government Gangsters”. He groups them together in his set of individuals called the deep state. He mentions this in his movie “Government Gangsters” that strongly demonetizes these individuals.

In the recent past, Patel spent over a decade serving as a federal public defender and a national security prosecutor, followed by assuming leadership roles in the Trump administration. As a result, he was able to voice the Russia gate scam with one of the most crucial pieces of evidence, the Nunes Memo. As an aide to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), Patels continues to contest that it was insane to say that Donald Trump was secretly an agent of Russia and he was amazed at the extent of the fake narrative.

The film Government Gangsters where Patel, Stephen K. Bannon the host of The Wardroom podcast and Dan Fleurette were the producers and M.A. Taylor the man behind Clinton Cash was the director is co-licensed with Patel’s book of the same name. Ross agate or Ukraine or the “Laptop from hell” or Dominion voting machines or the January 6 so called “insurrection” or the classified documents scandals, Patel makes it clear that the “gangsters follow a predictable pattern.”, “They determine the target and then start making whatever they want… They place trained lying intelligence professionals in different agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ that would use that expertise to lie.

They inject those lies into compliant sections of the mainstream media which spin articles and stories in support of the initiated fantasies. Kidnap and use federal machines to imprison the person you want, and torture them too” Patel tells us, In our behalf he is listing for the last time to the incursions of the deep state which tries to ‘subjugate’ the office of Donald Trump. Yes, this is something we have heard before. Still, in how many pieces have we seen the same event described?

Trump’s “scandals” were characterized by strange accusations and false information, years of endless expectations of special counsels which never materialized or were cut short, and an incredible amount of lies or unproven claims these ‘scandals’ were built on over so many years that ultimately when the facts came up, the cycle moved on to the latest hype of the next ‘scandal’. Taylor’s straightforward for documentary hour successfully combines all these events into a single account that depicts the sorry state of the chaos in which our country currently finds itself.

Patel is correct to state that Russia gate started with Hillary Clinton and the Steele dossier in the Democrat’s 2016 campaign. That is the first sentence in Crooked, with all these sordid characters vividly presented first hand.

A CIA Director John Brennan, former US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Christopher Wray, and a whole abuse of FBI and other US governmental institutions against a sitting president Trump all of them are also present there. In addition: Fiona Hill the Council official, Nuland the State Department under secretary, Bindman the creepy phone leaker from Ukraine all of them are named here. And today, after all these revelations, Taylor and Patel are able to tell the American people the extent of how these quacks went around deceiving them and got away with it which they very much are able to do.

Furthermore, the authors demonstrate harsh targeting of Trump in the Government Gangsters. Everyone is aware of this. Trump was cleared on the Russian scandal allegations by special counsel Mueller, a phony scandal concerning his conversation with the Ukrainian president surfaced three day later.

He would be impeached through Ukraine if not for Russia gate. Then of course he was removed with the claim that he engendered an ‘insurrection’. But, as Patel observes, Trump seems to be the only one who made an effort to control the resultant violence at the Capitol on the 6th of January.

Patel alleges that there was a meeting of the Defense Secretary, White House Chief Staff and the President of the Joint Chief Staff at the time when President Trump ordered to deploy more than ten thousand National Guardsmen to the Capitol on the 6th January. Since the president’s colonel does not use all his resources together in the country, Trump directed the Department of Defense officials to the speaker Nancy Pelosi and to the mayor Bowser and Capitol Police officials for their permission.

Patel explains “Bowser and Pelosi not only verbally but also in writing refused Trump’s order enabling to more than 10 thousand national guards men and women, and we got the receipts”. Even this fact is enough by itself to dismiss allegations that the president needed the riot to begin with.

Patel believes that deep state players engage in ‘the very crimes they accuse their opponents of committing,’ and to illustrate this dual morality, he recalls Joe Biden’s version of the classified documents scandals, and Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’. He goes on to add that it was rather funny how the democratically supportive groups prepared for the release of the ‘Laptop from Hell’ and advanced their interests.

“Several former NSA and CIA leaders claimed that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden was a part of a Russia disinformation campaign, however, that was not the case and it was real. The discrediting of the laptop took place just like the Deep State wanted. And what’s even more horrifying is that the FBI had evidence that it was Hunter’s laptop plus they were aware all along. Without a trace of a doubt, it was the ‘DeFeo State’’ who discredited the laptop. They foresaw how the media would inaccurately portray all of us and came up with this disinformation campaign. That was exactly their argument.” While writing The New Ice Curtain I tried making sense of everything that happened and my final answer was not pleasing.” This Is The United States

The only quibble I have in this movie is the title. Instead of Government Gangsters the title should be Government Sociopaths as they’re all ruthless ruthless lying villains who, using one of their expressions, ‘have all the hallmarks’ of dead eyed sociopaths elite.

What’s your chance of getting past the Department of Justice and a U.S intelligence who are sociopaths and are tracking you? It’s very easy to lose hope or get demoralized, but Patel rather says that “Americans should mobilize with the truth.”
According to Patel, who rightly expects to find this answer at the polls in November, “Today’s level of government corruption is unprecedented so it takes Americans to remove the status quo and go back to what it is supposed to be a constitutional republic for the people and not the people from Washington DC.

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