Dreaming of You (2024)

Dreaming of You (2024)

Jack McCafferty, the writer, director, animator, and also the protagonist of his movie, has made what he claims to be a Philly-based Surreal romantic comedy perfectly hilarious and should be treated as a debut, it is then understandable even if there is hope for a more realistic portrayal of love in the future.

The stars of the film are the talented Lauren LaVera who has been impressing her fans with the Terrifier series alongside McCafferty where they both play characters that struggle to sleep and will chance at meeting each other in a medical waiting room. Of course, Miles cannot stare at Ren’s beauty and is caught under an illusion that appears to be mutual.

Miles’ life is full of drama because of the rough sleep routine and the nightmares he suffers from. And this is precisely the reason why he is unable to have a good sleep. According to McCafferty, animated sequences of the movie were sketched by him. Although McCafferty may lack being a skilled drawer, yet he seems to possess an exclusive style in his work. In most of these animated sequences, Ren appears as the girl who, along with Miles, has shared many of his dreams. Regardless, it is a figment of his social anxiety how she imagines him as socially awkward to the extent that it is impossible to have even a conversation with her. It is a bit weird because, in real life, she nearly tries too hard to get his attention.

In one of these dreams, he features as a contestant in a game show called What Does She See in Him? Miles, for example, has no answer to this question. In this case, the show’s host and the audience of the game show which is turkey including the sidekick stuffed bear are also still baffled. And, to be honest, this is the case for the movie audience too.

Not only is she a lot more beautiful than him, which is usually a given, but he is also a complete mess. He suffers from anxiety and has cripplingly low self-esteem. He is jobless (initially he has a job that he hates, but this does not last long as he is sacked), broke, and spends his nights in his deceased uncle’s work shed full of bizarre and strange decorations. Also, he has great trouble sleeping at night because of nightmares which culminate into his episodes of sleep paralysis, and in the majority of such cases, he perceives himself to be assaulted by a demon.

Almost in a humorous manner, there is someone who happens to be her ex and who is an absolute scumbag, and she suffers from sleep apnea and uses a CPAP device. What is good is that she begins to act a little strange by trying to flirt with him first during their meet cute flop. The cute moment occurs while she is in the waiting area of a medical sleep study. Once the study is complete, she dashes out to the parking lot, finds him, and invites him to share a ride. The remarkable thing here by the way is that for such a meek girl she is the very first one to add him on Facebook. She considers it normal to be the one to text him first. On their first date, she instructs him to take the lead only to bring spoon-full light into the situation on why he shouldn’t. On most occasions, she is the one who processes the first step forward to the kiss.

She reveals none of the reasons as to why she loves him so much. What appeals the most to her is the fact that he does not excess her with affection but instead treats her like a normal person. There is no denying that behaviors such as this do tend to appeal to very gorgeous women.

Okay, let me explain it to you. it’s a nerds fantasy love story. A very popular autograph hunter has a crush on and even wishes to get closer to a more awkward interactor. Certainly not realistic but if it is done right I suppose it can be a good watch. for example, Judd Apatow had solid beginnings in the business with a lot of similar patterns.

A low-budget movie titled Dreaming of You while not the best of movies still manages to impress the viewers in a lot of places given it is an indie film. And like I said it’s a comedy so it is supposed to be funny and it is while sometimes it gets close to being really funny. And quite frankly that is all a viewer seeks from a comedy. Or McCafferty steps up his game and makes a good movie because those ideas of his are quite good, I do hope so.

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