ClearMind (2024)


In the film ‘Seana Kofoed’ which is written and stars her alongside ‘Rebecca Eskreis’, Kofoed plays a role of a woman who is seeking revenge through virtual reality on her old ‘friends’. Joining the cast and crew are Toks Olagundoye, Rob Benedict, Kadeem Hardison, Jenn Lyon, Jessica Meraz, Matt Peters, and Alec Mapa.

Does Imagine wreaking havoc in virtual reality to make sure all anger and negativity you hold inside is released? Although it would make for a perfect soothing technique, a clear mind is quick to investigate the situation. What’s remarkable about this, though, is that this is literally where the entertaining part comes in, Nora (Rebecca Creskoff) imagines the best scenarios in her mind and enacts them through a virtual revenge sequence, these scenes are amazing. The comedy in her writing comes from a complete ridicule and rejection of such scenarios while instead focusing on the entertainment aspect of things, using such a strategy helps to lighten the load when the goal is to resolve the intrigue of the film.

On the other hand, there seems to be a reason for the revenge that is constantly being sought. There’s some idea on making friends who are spoilt brats and self-serving and can be otherwise erased from existence. Also, not take the blame about things that were never even begun by them to begin with. That is all spinning in the background as the focus tries to comprehend its other, more malevolent dimension. It is only now starting to look similar to Baghead of 2008.

One has to hand it to Rebecca Eskreis for a somewhat believable performance from the two sides, she is detail-oriented and puts in more efforts than is necessary. It certainly does try to implement few last-minute roles. It does put an effort in trying to not be too over trying to balance each end leans too much to the expectations of the audience, rather managing to find the balance in how the show handles unveiling a sinister or comedic moment in accordance to the storyline. This planar structure scores highly but in its true form there’s so much more to it.

Simply put, this statement captures the idea of a person being left wondering if they truly know what happened. Which explains why they still have an air of secrecy surrounding them.

This characteristic can also be bolstered by the ensemble as these actors do compel one to think as to how self-absorbed or toxic any of these characters can be. The only exception to this is Matt Peters who plays David and is exceedingly honest in his portrayal of David and says he, ‘Never care for anything or anyone apart from myself’ – which is delightfully blunt and apathetic. Toks Olagundoye gives us that good old specially crafted and image-loving woman who tramples over her husband, again building forth the beliefs of a marriage. Jessica Meraz is a delightful portrayal as the mother figure in the group with her unfounded advice to parents and everyone around her when there are other friendships developing.

Although Rob Benedict and Kadeem Hardison do perform really well but they fit better in the unreliable yet well-intentioned group category where they do attempt to go in the right direction but they are unable to fully commit. Writer, Kofoed performs spectacularly in the role of Kate, who is awfully lost and just doesn’t make sense of the problem she is facing and this is rather good for the goals of the movie as it adds the comedic aspect to the film.

The Coolest scene in this movie is played by Lilly Ashwell. There is an air of self-assurance and confidence about her character especially this one scene where she plays a femme fatal and that is a treat to watch. Then there is the fulcrum, the center piece of everything, Rebecca Creskoff’s Nora, who makes no apologies about herself, a woman who has been through enough and wishes to redeem herself. She truly is the comic relief of the movie and the authority and depth she exerts in her role also makes the character easy to watch.

This is shown in the movie ClearMind which further develops the revenge plot but does so in a quirky way. There is a rather unusual steering committee that exists which is most gratifying, and the movie is also quite amusing with a noticeable change in stress levels. There is a splendid cast that draws upon the talents of such familiar names, which in turn broadens the range of the characters that the stars can undertake. It has a very sadistic element to it and the delightful combination of genres that these two women, Rebecca Eskreis and Seana Kofoed, delivered for the audiences was amazing.

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