Cinderella’s Curse (2024)

Cinderella’s Curse (2024)

Just as Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne is now in the public domain along with the rest of A. A. Milne’s works, the character of Cinderella has recently been made available for use by the public, which means that creatives are free to utilize Cinder in the same way that they were allowed to use Pooh and the other characters in the most recent wave of. 

Taking a closer look at Cinderella’s plot, it has some pretty bloody bits in it, and putting those elements in the surroundings of 100 Acres Wood would look really weird. But Cinderella is one of those fairy tales that I think is just begging to be told in a more gruesome way. Andy Edwards had earlier this year presented his version. Cinderella’s Revenge is about a girl whose fairy godmother influences her to be violent. Louisa Warren is the next in line to turn Cinderella to the other side with the upcoming motion picture titled Cinderella’s Curse.

If you ask most children what they think of Cinderella, they relate the story to Disney’s animation. However, Warren now tells a much more bloody version, one that resembles Carrie more than it does Cinderella. Kelly Rian Sanson, who plays Cinderella in Cinderella’s Curse, here is bullied by her step-sister Ingrid Lauren Budd and Prince Levin Sam Barrett who goes on to further emotionally troll Cinderella. Seeing all the chaos unfold, Cinderella invokes her Fairy Godmother played by Chrissie Wunna, and the pair end up getting brutally savage. 

Cinderella’s story is, it must be admitted, different from the film’s storyline. The writers Harry Boxley and Charles Perrault, focus on the events leading up to Cinderella’s dreaded situation. Usually, in cartoons, stepsisters along with the stepmother play the role of the villain, but not in this scenario. This triplet showcases their bad tempers in direct and dominant strategies. There are times when violence breaks out, but at Cinder’s, these outbursts occur. The pair, however, ignorantly turn her moral stains into a game and treat her as a pawn while pretending to be innocent and fair.

Dismissing the cruel and violent engagement of the movie, the character of Cinderella doesn’t usually end in disgrace but rather enjoys additionally remaining undefined. By now, it is also exceptionally difficult to answer as to who goes back to the plot once the rage arises even though the death rates dramatically hiked or the blood transforms everything into severed limbs that end in white noise. It is now fair to analyze what exists around this Holy Grail Revenge it also encompasses the Fairy Godmother as well as her servants. It is also correctly mentioned that her character appears more terrifying than any other since she constitutes a darkened sinewy mass. Once again, it is an enthralling image somewhat reminding one of the Leviathan from Hellraiser, don’t you think?  

Speaking of the reminiscences of Carrie, she fascinates me so much that I for one do not mind him shredding any rendering. In fact, I find his cult suffering to be an interesting angle of trying to trace the ambiguity that consumes Cinderella’s entire framework. Yet the character of Winter is likely to be devoid of that dimension.

The story is simply sacrificed in exchange for the mindless violence, and the intense action comes across to be quite chaotic.  The extent of the death and destruction goes on to dull the dramatic impacts of the movie, thus resulting in Cinderella’s Curse ending rather abruptly without the happy ever after it warranted.

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