Alien: There’s one movie that I would have willingly put my money on its success this year and that would surely be this one. Alien has been with me ever since I was a little child. I quite remember around four years of taking these first steps into Alien Universe by seeing the first film and how the set design of the creatures overwhelmed me. I used to win Alien and Alien Vs Predator for some more years and enjoy them quite a lot although some reviews were passive. Even those that were, in relative terms of the series a few that many would regard as below average were still very entertaining, and only the phrase “Godzilla” could mostly be used to capture them. However, Alien Romulus does not do so well with trend but the main question remains why do I hold the same love towards Romulus as I do with the Virtue?
There is no doubt that the film takes off exceptionally well, it provides a cohesive backstory to the array of characters that have been introduced and makes it in such a way that the audience is able to connect and feel for them. Unlike the two others, this one has more of Alien in it than Aliens.
The characters in the film are shown to be quite willing to engage in conflict with one another they are super aggressive and have some great plans that need to be fulfilled. Because these goals are fully realized, they leave plenty of room for the viewer to think about what’s going on.
The pacing of the movie is fast because the movie has aggressive protagonists. There is a bit of runtime in the movie so you get to build up with the characters and once the horror initiates, it is sustained for the rest of the movie.
The horror presented in this film is in all of its forms, disturbing while including a sense of thrill to the emotions of anticipation and despair. The gore and dismemberment I believe is the highlight of this movie which makes it a treat due to the practical effects as well as animatronics and CGI. My heart began to race during certain scenes as they caught me off guard, with the strong eerie feelings that surrounded the ending scenes. The film xenomorph is what they call a perfect species whereas Aliens depict a bug in reality, they aren’t the same.
Anyway, the xenomorph portrayed in the movie is wrapped around strong armor with intricate animatronics as well as astounding modern graphics, all of which allow the xenomorph to shine and look splendid in the movie. The galaxy is beautiful and this movie does not take place in a space station which allows me to look and appreciate outer space, along with the ships which are dark, cluttered, and astonishing, these are perfect for a xenomorph. When the xenomorph sets off, the attack is brutal as well as being fast, so drastic cuts are made during the movie.
*Let me reiterate that the game is not masterfully crafted on a ton of different mediums.* In regards to what I have seen, only the very beginning that takes place in the mining settlement was exceptional. That place spoke about the gold a little too casually, but even then, it felt riveting. Everything in this movie is pitch-perfect, even the camerawork stands out. The sound design works exceedingly well in the movie clips, making the very mundane space feel picked up while focusing on the eerie silence of it all.
Don’t forget that there are some negatives, although there are a few The film doesn’t completely break away from the original and for the most part accomplishes that. At the end of the film, there is a possibility for things getting quite haywire but I would not consider this primarily how I would categorize the film. It is in most instances how I would refer to the film, although it is still a bit of a deviation in the sense that it does not reach the level of its predecessors. Some of the phrases are clearly designed for the audience’s sales pitch, but they are way out of context in the movie. Yes, the easter eggs are fun but I wish they had been worn out in a few places.
Most of the messages were a more defensive kind and I would like to say that Alien Romulus manages to do some things quite well on almost all measures. Shockingly, the xenomorph worships the xenomorph, which shines contemporary to songs of interstellar memories. It is indeed the essence of the very first ‘Alien’ which happens to be the most favorite of all my films. It is thus my other second in the whole series that makes it a good match at this time.
If horror is your genre of interest and you are a fan of the Alien movies, then I would say that you should watch this movie without question.
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