Air Fryer Slaughter (2024)

Air Fryer Slaughter (2024)

Quadrant (Full Moon) Charles Band is observant and someone who is either willing or unwilling to direct another move for Full Moon Productions. This time around, concerning something to do with AI, so if Yinz have watched ‘Aimee: The Visitor’, fans would most likely enjoy this mechanical piece. The narration revolves around two college professors who decide to create a process called ‘Quadrant’. No one has sponsored the process yet, but they believe their experimental helmet and computer networks connected to the brain of an AI-enabled thinking cap will help an individual who is struggling with mental issues or wants to overcome certain fears. With regard to their activities, they plan to use the properties of the Quadrant universe. But how many patients want to be afraid and overcome fear? Does it require volunteers? Here comes Erin, a breathtaking teenage girl, who is professionally obsessed with Jack the Ripper! She hears about the test and wants to participate.

The more treatment Erin has, the more it looks like she is fantasizing with the Quadrant and her desire to be in the universe of her favorite Jack the Ripper AI tends to grow. There comes a time when the audience is left without an answer to the question of who has a more warped mind. Is it Erin whose obsession with the Ripper is so intense that she is ready to kill, or the professors who have experienced this side-effect and are aware of what Erin can do? Eric Band’s Quadrant is unmistakably once more an intriguing exercise. The band made all the right moves in freely shooting in Cleveland, Ohio using a low-budget cast, cool ideas, and the right twist of Full Moon being able to electrify their audience by creating stunning Full Moon pieces that they love. For that reason, I have given the movie a 3/4 rating.

Cemetery Man (Blu-ray) The Italian film Cemetery Man was known as Dellamorte Dellamore when it hit the theatres in 1994, thanks to its director Michele Soavi. Now in the U.S.A., it’s widely popular under a different name Cemetery Man. The Sicilian-based Severin Films has decided to also feature one of the best-preserved Blu-ray restorations of Dellamorte Dellamore as many fans still consider it to be the best Italian horror movie ever made. It has been several years, more than I care to say since I last availed watching this as the previous version of mine was set on a rather not-so-clear bootleg version. For all of you who have been bereaved this captivating movie, in short here is the story. Dellamorte and his assistant Two are the caretakers of ‘The Returners’ who live and work in the cemetery. It is a scene that to him looks like Armageddon, even if a few villagers know that this single-handed mission is other in a million and can only be done by one man, Dellamorte. Cutting it short, His task is very easy: when the corpses awake, he puts them back to sleep in their tombs and makes sure they stay that way.

The main theme here is one of love, or rather the more feline destructive force that love can be. It is further complicated by the fact that Infante Dellamorte meets a wonderfully captivating woman who is only known as “She”. It is too bad that this ghost dies soon after they get married. In time, however, Dellamorte kills more living people than dead ones and happens to pay no price for that fact. He had tried to hero hunt for other lives of his late companion in the life of love. There is no love in this particular story. It’s a hot mess alright. But, human emotions, especially when they look for love stories, this one for sure does not qualify for a cardinal pass, without being entirely plotless and characterless. As if You will feel it. From a comic gory zombie apocalypse through romanticized a love story with a happy ever after to an art piece of film, the makes of movie aims to make the experience ridiculously elegant and beautiful, which is the point of the movie. The music, colors, the music, the colors, and music were all created for this movie so it is not difficult to imagine that this one gets such an amazing courtesy which horror fans will definitely be quite interested in.

It’s obvious there’s a lot of extra content on offer, including archived interviews with Michele Soavi, Rupert Everett, and Anna Falchi, alongside commentaries from Soavi and Gianni Romoli. Severin Films Co-Massacri is, in my opinion, a must-buy for anyone interested in the horror genre. 4 stars from me.

The Amityville Murder which has grown into an indelible mark in horror has always piqued the interest of Polonia in his films. And so does Mark Polonia’s attempt to realize that dream but not in the traditional sense. Instead, the time travels back to 1846 when Amityville was purely dabbling into the gruesome horror which actually earned the ‘town’ its respect. Mark Polonia also seems to ring up his regulars as well (Jeff Kirkendall and Tim Hatch who are two of the many Polonia suspects ) without surpassing any courtesy, and tells them how now that they have become a part of Amityville’s new settlements finding a gent as the two bounties expect would be a gruesome task. The first biggest, and obviously strangest, surprise comes when they go back into the city to begin their new lives and find people with no heads. At this point they are starting to feel a little strange because the place is getting a little too weird for the town. They then set out and find an entire village with only one philosophy which is simple and straightforward kill the evil. Ever since they have seen him, there has always seemed to be an incomplete job of apprehending him. As with many other villages, this one has a violent language, but what’s strange is how such a normal person turns out to be the shoulder Marguns is looking for to put her at ease The one who was looking for them was not easy. This entry (and many such scenes) left me baffled because the old west has never been that polished, so kudos to the Polonia crew.

Out of nowhere, entry number sixty-two looks to be the only well done entry in this competition and I am fairly certain that the fans of the given genre will look at and appreciate this new direction more than the common audience will. I would rate it 2 and a half stars out of four. 

I Puke on Your Grave (VHS) What was I going to do? I was going to dig into this VHS horror flick hybrid where most of the action sequences are from unknown films, Battlesharts, and vague nonsense, and cut her downstairs. Can you imagine a little kid saying “ Am I a man or did I have some problem? What sort of an aim does this project want to attain because this one didn’t have a horror host? This was also not situated in a ‘Fist of Death’ atmosphere so do not expect much whenever watching this. I will give this just half a star.

Low Life has an intriguing plot. It revolves around a nice family that takes a parody road trip across the United States. The family somehow runs into some rural folks while on their trip and that’s when things start to become weird. Just when you’re determined to scream, “I have seen this before,” that’s exactly where I would have shifted the course of events low-key. Resuming where I left off, the downright embarrassment is on the average family that indeed felt out of place at one point and feared getting assaulted, even murdered, within the first fifteen minutes of the movie. But it just so happened that the family had mechanic issues with their vehicle. And then the audience finds out that the average American family hails from Los Angeles. However, this film does have an interesting twist that they’re cannibals. Graphics experts will probably be offended but this type of this plot or of this already old format was engaging. For the most part, it was so ugly that it was sweet. And because you have rightfully earned your thanks, I have to give this project a score of 3 out of 5 stars.

Christmas Cookies (DVD) This is an intriguing blend of horror and a hallmark-centric movie where we see a big city woman called Lacey travel back to her hometown for Christmas. But we also see Lacey along with this animated festive small town get a ruff shock from Santa. The film has been directed by Adam Raynes who deeply understood all social media’s ugly cute festive cliches. You did a great job emphasizing all key elements of a hallmark holiday movie as a first cut performing a short film, given that the goal was to entertain and have some fun. I give it a 3 out of 4 stars.

The Only Ones (DVD) – For starters, I think the greatest strength of this film is the way it manages to mislead viewers in the beginning as one character describes how Boneface attempted to terrorize his friends as they were making their way to an out of the way cabin One of six friends arrived to enjoy drinking beer while competing for a place and at last, to glory in the peace of the wilderness. However, everything starts getting out of hand because shrooms are brought in and a disturbing shooting happens. The friends wish to resolve the issue and to clean the place as well, yet they argue over calling the cops or not and so it is just a round of incoherent brawling. The film has satisfying snippets, instead of being a hack-and-slash it has something of a developed plot which adds tension. When it’s released on the platform, I expect the viewership to be good and the following to be sufficient, meanwhile, it has achieved 2 ½ stars out of 4.

Guerrilla Dogs (DVD) Another work developed under the auspices of BPO Films. This time, Blake O’Donnell, Ryan Lintner, and Ben Dietels take on the roles of the three stooges in the contemporary setting and needless to say, violence is not the only part of the agenda in the films. Each writer instead has something to work on, creating diverse characters who are as complicated as their plot. These are the weekend warriors who are supposed to save the world and believe that Mr. Money is out of reach because of being locked in the woods. Where he is being detained for his ransom. The story is extended but the excellent thing is that the lads get from one nonsensical event to another, and understandably so, they have to get through and wait for money for the person they have captured. This falls in the genre of movies where actors in the comedy genre impress with their performance which surely evidences itself as I rate the film 3 out of 4 stars.

BPO Films Mixtape Volume 2 (DVD) Over the course of their cinematography, Ben Dietels, Ryan Lintner and Blake O’Donnell shot a series of short films that featured trash, thumb wrestling, sex, a real estate agent, a pizza delivery man, reveling on St. Patrick’s day and a whole lot more. This group is always doing something funny and trying to be funny at the same time and as you can imagine, this always makes for an entertaining experience, I rate this work 3 out of 4 stars.

Number 4: Attack of the Corn Zombies It is a corn festival once in a while ‘thanksgiving’ kind of affair for a Midwestern town which is set in the 1960s. The town’s poblano peppers tried an absurd fertilizer last year which was of no use. What is lost on the people is that every single kernel of corn produced last summer was doused with this abominable substance. A bite of corn quickly turns the unsuspecting user into a hungry super mutant zombie, and those who managed to survive last the event munching on it. Now, a group of survivors is trying to navigate their way out while avoiding fully transformed corn zombies. The premise of the film itself is riveting as it cuts right to the chase “You already know what you have to do you are not changing anything in this zombie film”. What made this film all the more gripping was the incorporation of corn-infected “people” and how they grew, which in all honesty, was pure genius since many would never even dare to consider such concepts.

There was also a strong Indy supporting cast which, again, gave the impression that the people were indeed well-casted. The movie seemed like a mixture of the quirky 70’s movie Toxic Zombies and Jim Roberts’ Welcome to Deer Creek. For that reason, I rate this Indy Zombie effort 3 out of 4 stars.

Air Fryer Slaughter (DVD) This movie is a horror film and it was directed by Matt Skinner and Mark Hunter. This movie is about a frying pan that kills people. It seems that the frying pan goes out of control for no other reason than its craving for human flesh and possibly even sex. The movie has funny founder bios and funny mixed-up ads as the air fryer moves around the city after killing someone. As the killing continues, the police are unable to believe that the one who could be the most obvious perpetrator is an air fryer. The air fryer is trying to sell Evil Bong thing N-words as pantaloons and sweat bands says Bustami Mrs. The movie song has distinctive tell-tale marks of attack of the killer tomatoes from start to end but the movie stretches way above and beyond the region of an hour and twenty minutes. It seemed to me that this movie would be better suited for a remake along the same lines as Rubber, the movie about a killer prosthetic limb. I give this movie a solid 2 out of 5 stars.

Bed Bugs (DVD) – Matthew Mark Hunter’s 2021 movie that revolves around kids out for trick or treating. Matthew and his team cross all the checks as the children are told about the boogey, the zombies, a child’s revenge, the devil, and some mouth fangs. It is a great initiative for people to teach children about Indy horror and for that matter, I will give this film a 2 ½ out of 4 stars as well.

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