Unit 234 2024

 Unit 234 2024

Storage units or storage facilities as one may call them can hold many surprises most of which are quite unwelcome or will annoy you for weeks to no end. But such a singularly dull place still has its movies made based on storage units or perhaps even revolving around them and those most of the time fall into 2 categories only, horror and thriller for entertainment. No one’s ever going to come up with a rom-com set entirely within a storage facility with shady characters and a predictable storyline. At least it was amusing. It’s understandable that Andy Tennant’s Unit 234 The Lock Up was situated in an extremely drab and non-descript region because the movie is so compelling it’s easy to overlook that fact. 

Laurie, who’s inherited a privately owned storage space that was taken care of by her parents almost her entire life, finds herself in a dire predicament After her intended approach fails. When Laurie finds an unconscious stranger claiming to have rented the storage space inside unit 234, she begins following the unusual man who calls her unnecessarily often.

Laurie finds herself at a disadvantage during this case. She is nearly outnumbered. There is an organized group that seems quite ready to kill to recover Clayton. And relentlessly, she has to defend against it. We see Unit 234 with a man who bears a negative resemblance to Joan Clayton.LAZY

Unit 234 does appear a bit bland at first but eventually escalates into an exciting game of hide and seek with the storage unit, as is quite common with thrillers. The location has its advantages and shortcomings that annoy Laurie but also force her to be somewhat clever to overcome the gang members. Oddly but thankfully enough, not only do we get an extremely unpleasant idea of why and how Clayton was zippered up in a body bag with an organ cut out but there are also hints of organ smuggling. Owing to the film’s frenetic pacing it indeed is hard to comprehend how it all started and consequently where it was headed. Once again, the viewers can only reluctantly sit through and watch this as do everything else in the film that seems somewhat believable. Laurie’s backstory is more intriguing than the actual movie, and that’s why even encounters with a character which is played by Don Johnson, where the only deep action takes place, invariably becomes entertainment for a more emotional plot. From the point, that Clayton bites the dust and becomes a ‘package’, till the time Laurie now has to save her skin forms a crescendo of tension. Considering how flimsy the storyline is, it’s quite commendable that they managed to keep all the characters and the plot intact together.

The one single thing that resulted in the movie earning a low score was the existence of a twist or an epiphany near the third part of the movie which did not appear to have any justification. Overall this is a kind of revelation that is taken for granted in more than other ways, yet this looks like it was decided to be done with much later in the events of the film.

Performances are decent considering the tight casting but it is Isabelle Fuhrman who plays Laurie who is very charismatic. This character was so crushing that she buried her in storage and took over her life. She has also shown her acting chops in a film, even though it’s a shame she was not allowed to showcase more of her talents spanning across such categories.

At the end of the day, it is also true that Unit 234 is an interesting, gripping, and exciting movie to watch. Who could ever think that a page-turner type of book could be set in the environment of a storage facility?

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