Treasure (2024)

Treasure (2024)

Lily Brett is an Australian writer who has parents who went through the Holocaust. She tends to write books that revolve around that generation. In her 2001 book with the name, ‘Too Many Men’, she wrote about a daughter and her father traveling to Poland. The father had some regrets and deep sorrowful stories to share. One of the other elements of the book is that the daughter remembers a monologue with the ghost of Rudolph Hoess, the commandant at the Auschwitz atrocities. Yes, Hoess was a real person too, as it happened last year Jonathan Glazer’s quite popular The Zone of Interest is a film about him, the main character.

With respect to the screen version of one of Brett’s books, Julia von Heiz, who directed the movie and co-wrote the script with John Questor, refused to include the Hoss materials into the movie, but on the contrary to that it is what she can overcome is worse even. Just as if you ever cared a lick about the ages of those characters, the most suitable plot descriptor is likely a father and daughter journey, set primarily in the year which is 1991 and what the characters were.

The role of a journalist, Ruth Rothwax who once lived in New York is played by Dunham. Ruth had a tough time dealing with bulimia and hate towards her father Edek, a Polish Jew who was played by Stephen Fry. Due to the trauma she went through, she was on the edge which made her serious in trying to comprehend the depth of Edek’s traumatic past. In the film, the American tourists tend to repeat the same warmongering trait to their host ‘Speak English.’ That alongside the existing portrayal of E makes for a deeply annoying movie.

Comedic relief and some meaningful drama are elements that are notable in the film ‘Treasure’ which is centered around a narrative. The Polish Lodz Jewish home set in the modern commercial era housed Edek and his mother till they were detained and deported to the Auschwitz Concentration camp, and later was inhabited by a family that got there in 1940. Apparently, the china made by Rothwak was also left behind by the family wishing to set up the house. Ruth wanted to While, Ruth wanted them back, Edk, for an inexplicable reason, wanted them to be shattered.

Let’s unpack what Ruth’s obsession with Edk says about her and why she believes so highly in the characters of the Polish Jews. When penetrating deep into the complexities of the character portrayed by Edek, it seems as if it is one of several conflicts that are sources of contention portraying the Polish perspective. It is not as straightforward as it seems to explore the multi-complexity of Edk and Edezek.

Survivors of trauma are aware of how complex and sensitive the issue of suffering is and the reasons behind functional silence. But Ruth does not belong to this category. She is comfortably sick as she lounges in a hotel room, views documentaries on Nazi Germany, scolds her father for keeping quiet, and grudgingly pays attention to her dwindling appetite. Edek might be engaging older women, but for Ruth, this has been a year-long wait that started with the death of her mother hence in the current state of her Father romance isn’t what she can expect him to be reading.

The movie has no story. The speed has. The editing looks incomplete and the pacing of the film is baffling par Dunham and Fry’s notoriety. Two Perkins exist onscreen and wherever in the room or outside there is never a Schwartz who is one. Still, it is amusing to watch Ewa’s father do what he is doing being act annoying no holds barred when Ruthic intrudes into her business or rather in more self-sufficient moments when she gets into a tussle about teapots with the residents. Jewelry in the form of a camp decorated with a yellow star sounds rude but it cannot be said that the development of this segment in Koch’s film was uninteresting.

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