For instance, she has an impulsive affair with her reticent next-door neighbor. Then, the woman ends up getting pregnant and decides to go to sleep with a self-made entrepreneur while persuading him that the baby in her womb is his.
Plan B is pleasant and humorous combines romance in it and portrays some refreshing take on the otherwise very old concept of romantic comedies. Directed by Brandon Tamburri, the film lives up to the expectation of how a romantic comedy should be like as we see Jamie Lee as Piper Brennan who tries to get through unplanned pregnancy and the dream of falling in love with the perfect man who will want to have kids with her. The first thoughts that cross one’s mind regarding the text of the film’s synopsis are the film Knocked Up, but after a few minutes of watching Plan B, this impression changes because the film is very far from it, as it offers an unorthodox perspective on the world, harmoniously combining comedy and drama.
Jamie Lee is phenomenal in her performance as Piper who never seems to be in the right place at the right time, but even then it is difficult to not empathize with Piper even when she acts foolishly at times. Lee seems to own the role she plays for one of her credits over quality writing and you would want to root for this character however the performance parts remain unimpressive. Jon Heder continues to be hilarious as the innocent neighbor Evan Ebert in a very boisterous difference. Well, while Heder still goes back to the ridiculous character in Napoleon Dynamite there are more avenues opening for this character that Heder makes subtle suggestions about.
Shannon Elizabeth and Kate Flannery who appear at different intervals in the narrative complete the film’s ensemble by blazing in their own sparks. If they are not smart writers, there are times when Kate Flannery’s humor cuts the scene apart when she overdoes it. Virginia Elizabeth does have a level of distracting acting but much milder when she is on screen, and considering how little she shows up, the film as a whole is not too bad. Everybody seems to have outgrown American Pie.
An interesting bit was bumping into Anthony Moore while the shooting for the Lamaze class scene was taking place. Having seen his performance in Wizards of Waverly Place, I was impressed to see him in this role and I must say am getting accustomed to him in diverse roles.
In his TV series, Greenhouse, Tamburri leaves no one indifferent. This movie brings out Tamburri as an all-rounder damn great director with, a great sense of how to blend comedy and the sensitive aspects of the movie context. A lot takes place in a relatively short time, making for a captivating storyline from start to finish and the dramatic revelation at the conclusion consists of tenderness. Am not ashamed to say that the movie loses its plot at certain points, say during the middle of the second act, but it manages to bring everything together by the very end of the movie and leaves the viewers satisfied.
No, I do not expect Plan B to redefine the all-time classic, it blends perfectly with the idea it was meant to within the context. It’s super cute, pissed off, and emotional that quite frankly fans of this genre will not struggle watching this.
While I would have loved to see this movie, I have a feeling that women like my wife, mother, or sister are more likely to enjoy it. Still, it is an acceptable contribution to the genre and I am so excited to find out what other ideas Brandon Tamburri will come up with.
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