Midas, a heist comedy from Hartford, is unique. Perhaps the best part of the film is its innovative writing and direction, something that local TJ Noel-Sullivan seems to nail in his first attempt. Yet considering how most people see Hartford, it is hard to imagine this region appearing more inviting. This kind of image created by the Chamber of Commerce however reaches a dead end when it meets the Noel-Sullivan wall and its critical view of the region’s key industry: the insurance market.
This narrative which features three barely twenty-somethings bent on destroying the ethos of the insurance capital of the world, probably depicts how the insurance market has been deep in a dark pit, particularly for struggling black clients. He does use certain dramatic bold choices but nonetheless, the direction and relates is still captivating. It is perfectly fine to destroy the wealthy and more powerful with self deprecating humor.
He is accompanied in this by mostly unknown but local, even national cast members.
In numerous ways, they turn out to be of great assistance in making you interested more in what is otherwise a story that stretches the bounds of belief. It starts with well known actor Laquan Copeland portraying a college dropout Ricky Pryce who works as a grub hub delivery driver so that he can support his sick mother and younger sister.
Fortune has its way of throwing unexpected curves, and in this case, it was when Victor and Sunita invited Gregory from Midas Insurance to a birthday celebration at a large pool. To make the scenario even worse for Midas, Ricky’s mother was sacked from her job as well and had all the time lost her health insurance coverage. This situation horrifies Ricky and adds insult to injury.
When Ricky witnesses Brent’s beautiful daughter Claire for the first time and also thinks of revenge plans against looks’ it’d take a miracle to turn brutal doesn’t work out neither did it for him on that particular day. But for Claire ralph, is somewhat embarrassing, the rich Connecticut Ivies finds time to lie about his background to his Polish profile, and thus wears a Harvard T-shirt to meet her. When those circumstances arise, it’s advantageous, since Claire encourages father Pops to look for a job for her new boyfriend, which conveniently turns out to be one in the insurance company that handles claims processing.
As Greg’s pompous Nephew, Ricky’s, manager Tom Brent made him lose all sorts of brain cells, He is now the epitome of a mindless rubber stamp. , is now just another recruit in the order stamping department, to those who seek approval. The worst part is the phrase he earlier used encompasses him completely ‘I never thought I’d say this, but you don’t even bother.
In my opinion, that was enough conflict for the rest of the movie, but somehow, Noel-Sullivan decides to add on, claiming that Sunita, Ricky, and Victor hatched a plot. Their idea was not only to hack into Tom’s computer to try and restore the policy for Ricky’s mother but also to steal from the company. This story is truly nonsensical.
Noel-Sullivan appears to have borrowed this plot device from a movie ‘Ocean’s 11‘ that he likely watched multiple times. That type of scene could have helped him provided he worked elsewhere as a director for a long time, which is not the case for him, and that’s when the plot of his movie goes down the drain as the overall characters become wrapped with great over the top actions and ridiculous actions.
I was not boasting when I was not happy. I would not do so, I would rather get irritated especially with the shift of the most major third act which was more about trying to impress rather than trying to mean something. This is where the truly fascinating aspect of seduction and enchantment lies. He is very good, which means a lot because he appears in virtually every shot. He nails it, whether it is during a funny part or a funny part of a performance or in the middle of the performance. Midas would be nothing more than a catastrophe in the absence of his assistance. To be honest, most of it is amusing and instead of the other way around, it tends to be quite profitable in the end.
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