It’s fascinating to think what could’ve happened if the star kept playing for one team or remained loyal to the family especially when a big name chooses to join a small market pro team. It’s the case where Giannas Uio understood that his family were undocumented Nigerians living in Athens who were barely managing to survive, but Augustus spk fashion if we understated one throwing life in a way. What we’re looking for an explanation for, does not come across as ambiguous considering this is only a part of the picture when you consider what his brother’s role was and the context in which everything was taking place backward in time. In an interview towards the end of the story, the Magic and the Buck, grego Sproat’s reasoning came out t why he was taken specifically in 2017, right before wi. He hopes the basketball media doesn’t love his story as much.
Even though he asserted this, time and again he worked on shunning competitive situations or any idea that he might face a defeat, yet the worst dread was the chance of going back home, to the slums of Athens. There are also scores of individual stories that were somewhat known to the public, such as battling hunger in the street of a society that was almost below the median income, and families without documents yet ready to battle together.
It is clear that his selfless interdependence on his family namely, his parents and three brothers is what kept him alive. During his life span in Greece, there was extreme immigration to Greece, and extreme nativist parties in Greece such as the fascist political party ‘Rising Dawn’ would not hesitate to kill immigrants on sight. One of the Brash yet true Harsh stories that the movie showcased was the Athanasius story. The two brothers used to devise “games” for their younger siblings in an attempt to entertain them due to the violence invoked by RISING DAWN murder squads in Athens to the younger siblings.
It is reliably upsetting that he had to renegade his family for his interest in basketball as he had been offered a Nigerian passport to secure him in the Nigerian team and had to do the same to the Greek government as well. But I do agree that such favors did not extend to either his parents or his brothers.
Being recruited by the BUCKS in PICK NUMBER FIFTEEN in the 2013 NBA DRAFT and moving to the mid-west part of MILWAUKEE took more than a couple of months and a lot of POLITICAL activities in order to get his PARENTS’ US visas. However, it was not easy and took a lot of effort by the BUCKS owner who personally bothered SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY in order that the project’s executor could once again discuss in detail with the GREEK authorities.
The facts suggest that ANTETOKOUNMPO reported to the BUCKS ORGANISATION that there was no option of playing without his FAMILY. His dominion for playing the game had one fundamental objective in the betterment of the FINANCIAL position of his close FAMILIES. In his very words, if they could not manage it out, he said he wouldn’t mind returning back to GREECE, which is quite commendable.
This highlights the argument that ANTETOKOUNMPO is associated with hard work, and the bucks paid for it by pulling him and his family from the depths of poverty and scattered all over the slums of a third-world country. He clearly invests in his business, as long as family, fans, and Coaches believe in him. It can also be viewed as quite an uncommon bond on the whole. Now, after he has won a championship one wonders, whether deported ANTETOKOUNMPO has cleared that debt and possibly more. Would he look to play with another team on the same career stage and retire after changing the fortunes of the MILWAUKEE team? Would ANTETOKOUNMPO get the same treatment as LEBRON JAMES received during his first departure with CLEVELAND CAVALIERS? The way I see it, yes it is and I cannot imagine the time I expect a lot of players visiting the city of ST. LOUIS hoping us all to ‘embrace’ him as a son. I am sorry but in my view, there is no other out.
Trevor is arguably the best player in the NBA, combining the highest level of work ethic with the ability to brighten up anyone’s day without much effort. He is an ideal representative of this region for the NBA. To the degree of saying, and this rarely happens, I found myself pleasantly surprised at the professional quality of this documentary, expecting an overly sentimental hagiography and lacking in nuances. Regardless, I should not have to entertain such preconceptions regardless of how I see GIANNIS: THE MARVELOUS JOURNEY being an absolute classic sports documentary with a compelling story. Absolutely deserve a watch.
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